chapter forty four

Start from the beginning

"That they were...better than me?" I blushed furiously. "Knew more than me. You know."

Lex smirked, keeping his hold tight on my wrists, so I couldn't squirm away in embarrassment. "That's precisely what makes you so special, darling. You're different."

In a moment of uncharacteristic boldness, I turned, straddling him, my socked feet on either side of his suited legs. He was still in his business attire from the day. I felt severely underdressed-I was in my pajamas, just a pair of shorts and blue cropped shirt-not even a sweater. It wasn't an abnormal outfit for me, but in the moment it felt far, far too revealing.

"I'm different." I pretended to pout. "That's what people say when you're sub par. Different. Unorthodox. Unconventional."

Lex traced my bottom lip with his free thumb, the fire dancing in the wide black pit of pupils. "That's not the way I'm using it." He said.

"Hmmm." I narrowed my eyes playfully. "I don't believe you."

Lex released my wrists, winding one hand through my hair, the other settling low on my back. "And why is that?" He murmured, pressing a kiss to my jaw.

My mind clouded as soon as he touched me, and I shook my head, trying to clear it. I shifted forwards, placing both hands on his chest, using the leverage to push away a little bit.

"Because." I scrunched my nose. "It sounds like a cheap pick up line from a bad romance novel. 'You're different than other girls.' It's cheesy."

The corner of Lex's mouth quirked into a half smile, and a sinister laugh rumbled in his chest. I swallowed hard as he leaned forwards, holding my waist securely. In a fluid motion, one so quick my addled head spun, I was pinned underneath him on the couch, both arms above my head, held in place by one of his hands.

"Is that so?" He asked. I bit my lip, the feist draining from me.

"Yes."  I said anyways. "Cliche, if you will."

"You're really not in any position to be insulting me." Lex chuckled darkly.

"I'm not. I'm just-"

He cut me off, dropping his head to kiss me. I tilted my neck back, allowing him to deepen it slightly.

"Was that cliche?" He asked.

"No." I was breathless.

"Mm. Good."

"Wait. If I had said yes, what would you have done?" I widened my eyes. "Would you have lived up to your big, bad reputation, Mr. Luthor?" I batted my lashes.

Lex growled, and sat up. I followed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I felt flushed and hot, but triumphant. He wanted to play games, but I was just as good.

I stood up, stretching languidly and humming in delight as my spine crackled into place. My shirt rode up, exposing the tender skin of my newly healed scars, all the way to the top of my solar plexus. I delighted in the way Lex watched me. I was a player, too.

Lex hooked a finger into the waistband of my shorts, and pulled me forwards. I was standing in between his knees, looking down at him.

"Don't antagonize me, darling." He said, a note of warning entering his tone. "I have enough trouble controlling myself around you as it is."

The neckline of my shirt had slipped down one of my shoulders, and one of my socks had vanished into thin air. Most of my hair had escaped the low bun I had tied it into-in short, I was a rumpled mess. Lex somehow still looked pristine. His shirt wasn't even untucked. I reached out, planning to flip his collar, something, anything so he would at least look a little more disheveled. He caught my hand, holding my wrist.


I crossed my other arm over my stomach, hugging myself. "Are you mad?" I asked.

"Mad? No, love." He smiled, and kissed my knuckles. "I just don't want to do anything we will regret."

"You've said that a million times before, and every time we've ended up not regretting anything." I rambled, not entirely sure I was making sense.

"This isn't the same thing, Ruth."

"I'll bet you never said anything like this to the other girls." I knew I had gone too far the second the words were out of my mouth. Lex's eyes darkened, and his grip on my wrist tightened.

"We aren't having this discussion." He said lowly. "I know what's best for you."


Lex growled again, low in his throat, and gave my arm a sharp pull. I yelped as I stumbled forwards, landing, once again, on his lap. Quickly, his arms circled my waist, so I couldn't wiggle free.

"Hey." I complained. He relented slightly, putting one hand on my neck. His touch was soothing, and I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"I love you, my darling. And I know you trust me." He murmured, before kissing my temple. "You don't need to fight me so hard."

I gave in, and rested my head on his shoulder, all the ember-like righteousness melting from my shoulders at his words. He smelled spicy, like soap and dark alcohol.

"Sorry." I mumbled into the collar of his shirt. "You're right. I shouldn't have tried to manipulate you."

"Ruth, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The day you successfully manipulate me will be the day pigs fly."

I huffed indignantly, and I felt him chuckle, one hand tapping the divots of my spine. I felt like some sort of baby animal, curled into his chest the way I was. I could just barely see his laptop screen-there were images of boats, and what looked like a picture of Portofino, Italy. I mentally shrugged it off. Probably some investment overseas.

"Are you asleep?" Lex asked, after a minute. I sat back, trying to push my hair back into a bun.


"Do you want to go to bed? Today was hard for you, I'm sure."

I paused. "No, I'm okay here." I said. "You can always carry me to bed." I grinned.

"I said I wasn't doing that anymore." Lex held out an arm, and I snuggled into it.

"Yeah, I know. But I also know you'll do it anyways." I smiled at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"The day pigs fly, Ruth. Remember that. I'll wake you when it's bedtime."

"No you won't." I singsonged.

"No." Lex sighed in defeat. "I won't."

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