"Your crazy" I heard Jimin mutter in my ear piece. Under my mask, I smiled and watched the two men in front of me deal. Beside me, a guy in a suit—just like the one BWG leader was wearing—kept on staring at me. I held my chin high and didn't dare to look in his direction. He took a step towards me, eyeing me up and down. I didn't flinch, like I would flinch because a ugly idiot is checking me out. He had a long scar on his face; from his cheek bone to his chin.

He continued eyeing me up and down, then he started circling me. Behind me, inches away from my neck I heard him sniff. 'What the fuck, don't tell me he's—oh shit. I forgot I sprayed some perfume on. Fuck! Oh well, At least I smell nice' He backed up and stood in front of me. "Why do you smell like a women?" He said. I reached deep down into my vocal box and tried my best to muster a deep male voice. "No comment, sir" I say. I didn't look into his eyes.

Below me, my hand moved to my watch. I felt to soft smooth screen under my gloves, as I tapped the screen. "Solar, get out of there! Your going to get caught!" I heard Jimin whisper-yell in my earpiece. Under my mask, I smirked small so the guy in front of me wouldn't notice. 'Worrying about me now, I see. Luckily I was recording that, now I can tease and bully Jimin all night long' inside, I was cheekily laughing.

The guy in front of me stared at me and then walked back into his position. I wasn't really scare actually, I was calm as hell. In my earpiece I heard Jin sigh, "Vwoo, that was close" I ignored him and his worriedness. BWG and the buyer, were laughing at lame jokes they both said until another man in Black, came running towards us in a worried state. "Boss, we gotta get moving. We found spy's spying on us" I tried not to make my eyes go wide in shock. So I clenched my fist.

'Ohh no. Jimin' I thought. I lifted my watch arm to my face like I was scratching my face, "Jimin move out, now" I spoke into the watch. The old men started exchanging their cases and were on a move. I was about to follow 'Boss' when that guy that was beside me stood in my way. I went to walk around him, when he stepped in my path. "Excuse me" I said. 'Shit!' I thought. I just spoke in my normal voice. "So you are a girl" he smirked.

His hand was making its way to my face, when I held his hand in mid-air. "Sir, What are you doing" I tilted my head. I wasn't bothered speaking in another voice. "Solar. Get out!" NamJoon yelled. "Intruders!" He yelled and tried to rip my mask off. I blocked his hand and punched him, until he landed on the floor. My gun was in one hand as I raised it and pulled the trigger once in the air. "Not in a million years" I whispered to myself.

I walked up to BWG and wrapped my arm around his neck tightly. "Sorry guys, parties over! Drop your guns!" I yelled. My gun was angled out every guy in front and back on me. "Never!" I guy yelled. "Drop your mother fucken gun now!" I said in a mans voice. Everyone was shook and dropped their guns. "BWG, your under arrest for drug dealing and smuggling and . . . Whatever crimes you did throughout your shit life time. Please for ever hold your peace, if you wanna say something. Tell it someone who would actually care" I said.

In my ear, I could hear some of the guys laughing. I didn't know the words or the crimes he did so I made it up. He pushed me and tripped over my foot as he tried to escape. The case slided under a box of barrels. At least I know where the money is. If it ain't the money, this mother fucker wasn't leaving this ship alive "Going somewhere?" I say in question. I walk up to him in slow movements. My hand was reaching for his collar, when he threw sand into my face. "Fuck!" That shit hurt man.

I dusted my eyes and looked for him. He was guarded by for men. "RM! Hurry up and do something!" He didn't reply. I scoffed, "I guess I have to do everything myself. 4 against 1? . . This is going to be fun" I throw my gun to the side and walk up to them. A heavy hush of wind blew my cap off while i was walking up to them, setting my hair free, as it flowed through the windy air.

The guards mouthed dropped open in amazement. "Woah" I hear Suga say. When I was close enough I threw a punch to the guy in front of me, bringing the guys back to reality. BWG was heading for an escape, "circle them!" I yelled. Anger boiling in me as no one replied. I had only two guys left to deal with. I grabbed one of the guys arm kneed him the stomach twice then I kneed him in the face, I faced my back on his chest and flipped him in front of me with incredible force.

I put my foot on his shoulder and broke his arm in anger. I turned to the other guy, a fist came flying to my face. I didn't move but hold his fist in mid-air. I kneed his stomach and crouch and then kicked the side of his head. He screamed in pain as he backed up from me. I did a round off and he went flying to the other side. I ran out to the entrance, taking any guy down that tried to get in my way.

One guy tried kicking me, I ducked unzipping the baggy uniform on me, I rolled in between his legs, out of the uniform and cut his leg with my knife, I unleashed from my breast. He screamed in pain, it was a late reaction when he just noticed or felt the pain of my knife cutting his leg. I ran out, two guys blocking my way, I cut them in non-critical areas of their bodies. I was a thief not a murder and I wasn't making myself into a murder even if I had too.

I love money, like who doesn't. If I was born into a rich family and had everything that I wanted then I would've donated all my money to people who really needed it in the world. I made it out the entrance, a guy in my right side came running up to me. I threw my knife at him without looking, from the corner of my eye he spat blood out of he kneeled onto the earthy ground. I pulled out my gun and ran up to the white car that was speeding away. I shot the wheels of the car as it slowed down and stopped. I ran up to the car and tied all of the guys, with rope I found.

When I was done, the black car sped right pass me. I picked up a random gun and shot every inch of the car until I ran out of bullets. Just before the black car turned out of sight, I memorised the car plate and whispered it into my watch. Not to Jin, but into my documents. Below me, the Australian guy was tied up; inside his car I found a piece of cloth and shoved it into his mouth to make him shut up. I bent down in front of him and said, "Now, when the police come what are you going to say?" He started murmuring.

"What?" I said and snatched the cloth out of his mouth. He breathed heavy and said in his strong Australian accent, "I'll tell the police everything" I nodded. "And~?" He looked lost of words. "And~ I won't say a word about you too them" I tapped his beach hat. "Good Boii" "Wait. Wait. Wait! Don't cover my—hmm mmhm mhmm" He said. I loosed a laugh out and stared at him cold in the eye. "I'm only helping you. You wouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess if you had a real appropriate job" he huffed.

"Later mate" I said in my Australian accent. I stood up straight and dusted my clothes. I looked in the car and saw a silver case. I leaned inside for it and opened it, white in paper bags were inside. I smiled. This was the drugs. I left the case opened and searched the car for any type of info for the car, person or anything. Maybe even money. I looked and looked, I found papers regarding the car and I found a pair of Sunny's I liked. I wore them and left the car where it was.

"Don't call the cops yet" I told Jin through my watch. I walked back to the entrance, the guy with my knife in his stomach laid on the ground helplessly. I pulled out my knife in a uncaring way as he groaned and sniffed, "grow up. You won't die. It hit a non-critical area of your body" I turned to the path. "Or I think" I said to myself. I walked and walked, with a dripping knife covered in a strangers red blood. My baggy uniform was still on the floor of the walkway.

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