"MC's right," Yuri nodded. "Sayori isn't usually a person to do that type of thing. Something must have upset her greatly, but I am not sure what."

    "Is that why she had me drop off her backpack at her house?" All eyes turned to Natsuki.

       "Wait... you dropped off her backpack? What did she say? Did she look alright?" I needed answers, I felt absolutely awful.

       "She said there was an emergency and she had to leave early," Natsuki scratched the back of her neck. "I guess she was lying, but I wasn't able to see her. I had to ding dong ditch her backpack because I needed to get to my house before my dad..." Natsuki stopped and shook her head. Yuri gave her a questioning look.

    "Maybe you guys should go over to her house?" MC said with a worried expression. "Y'know, just to see if she's alright. Try to force her to have a sleepover like she always does to you guys."

    Natsuki smiled softly, clearly remembering all the times Sayori begged and begged for sleepovers until she finally gave up and went with it.

    "I guess it's an idea. You two up for it?" I looked at Natsuki and Yuri and they both nodded. Natsuki whipped out her phone and began presumedly texting her dad.

    "I'll need to grab clothes and such if you are alright with that," Yuri timidly said. "Though I guess I am driving."

    "Yuri, you're the only person with a car. I'll need some clothes too, my dad said it was alright for me to go for once." Natsuki snorted.

    "Then it's a deal!" MC stated, getting up from his chair. "I'll lock up the classroom, you guys go and see what's up. Text me what happened, okay?" I gave MC a warm smile. He was an idiot at times, but I could see he was a pretty chill dude. I am glad Sayori picked a guy friend who didn't just want to get in her pants.

    All three of us walked out of the school and hopped into Yuri's car. Natsuki dibbed front seat right before I did so I was stuck in the back.

    "Hah! How does it feel to be in the backseat, president?" Natsuki crossed her arms and let her chest puff out in arrogance.

    "I could punch you and you would pass out in two seconds you little gremlin." I shot back.
    "Hey, Monika, too far," Yuri stated, keeping her eyes on the road. Was she... was she defending Natsuki? That's a first.

    Natsuki let out a little snicker and I managed to poke the back of her neck. She let out a sharp squeak of protest.

    "I swear to God you two," Yuri groaned. "I am going to get into a car accident." Yuri looked stern for a moment, but then her face softened as she let out a laugh. That sent both Natsuki and I into a whirl of giggles.

    After a small while and stopping at everyone's houses, we were all able to pack some clothes and other small things. I packed an eyeshadow kit and a few brushes just incase Sayori felt like doing a makeover, which was a thing that she would do almost every sleepover we had. I smiled remembering each time she would do my makeup, step back, and just stare. She would have a moment to collect everything in and then hug me awkwardly as to not smudge the makeup plastered on my face.

    "Oh my gosh Monika!" She would exclaim. "You look great! Man, I am getting better and better at this."

    Yuri pulled up into Sayori's driveway, pulling out her key and opening the door. I followed keenly ahead, grabbing my bag and closing the car door with a click.

    Walking up to Sayori's front door I gave a good knock. I heard the cold knock echo to nothingness. I heard nothing back. Not the usual welcoming of Sayori's feet padding down and the sound of her sweet voice calling to let me know she was coming. I gave a nervous look to Yuri and Natsuki and they returned the glance.

    "She must have her headphones in," I said out loud, opening the unlocked door with ease. The house was dark and I felt around for the lightswitch to turn it on. I had been in this house a million of times, it was practically my second home, but this felt unnatural and off. Natsuki peered inside and took a few hesitant steps. She gave me another look to tell me that she also felt as though something was wrong. I grabbed the railing to the stairs and began walking up to the bright girl's room. Everyone else followed in total silence.

    Reaching her room I realized the door was closed. Bright kitty and star stickers were plastered on from a younger Sayori. A few photos of myself and the other club members were attached on by tape. I knocked on her door, calling softly but not hearing anything in response.

    "Just go in," Yuri said almost in a whisper. I could see small beads of sweat on her forehead, she was just as nervous as I was almost even more. I gave her a small nod.

    I really don't have a choice, do I?

    I gently open the door.

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