Chapter 1

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Keith has a secret that none of the other paladins know. He cuts himself the reason he cuts himself is simple. He hates part of his blood which is galra. He is worried if he tells the other paladins they will disown him and kick him off the team. So he kept it hidden from them.

*Begin Nightmare*

He's standing in a field on earth. It was dark and he could not see anything. He began to walk around and that is when he fell over something. He got up and saw he tripped over Lance's dead body. That is when all of a sudden lights came on and he saw the rest of his team dead. He began to cry but, when he looked down at his hands he saw they were purple and he had claws at the end of his fingers. They were covered in blood.

*End Nightmare*

He woke up in a cold sweat. Then he noticed his arm was bleeding very badly. So he got up and went to his bathroom to wash the blood off of his arm. He looked in the mirror and saw that his flesh had began to turn purple. No! Nonononono! This can't be happening! His thoughts screamed. The others can't see his skin. So after he cleaned off the blood he put his jacket on and he never took it off. The jacket helped him to cover up the purple skin and the scars he had from cutting. Everyone gave him weird looks for wearing his jacket even while training. The next night, He began to see his eyes were turning yellow. Also his arms turned purple and he had claws. That is when he stopped coming out of his room completely. He locked his door so no one could get in my room. One night he was hungry so he went out to get food and everyone was waiting for him in the kitchen. He turned around and he saw that Allura was angry. Shiro was giving Keith an evil look. Pidge looked excited. Hunk looked like he was scared. Coran was shocked. Lance looked concerned. That was when Allura snapped.

"Keith you're the race of the enemy," Allura yelled.

Keith replied in tears, "Allura I hate myself because of this."

He began to take off his jacket and showed them his cut arms. Lance began to cry and he ran away.

"Lance," Keith yelled after him.

All of a sudden Allura slapped him in the face. Keith got mad and he scratched the right side of her face. Allura screamed and he was back to being straight up frightened. Coran walked up to him angrily.

He yelled, "Get the hell out of this castle and don't ever come back!"

Keith got up and began to run to where the escape pods were held. Once he was there he got into one of the escape pods and flew right into space. He didn't even look back. After he got far enough away from the castle. He stopped and he sobbed for a really long time. Then he felt something pulling him in. I looked back and saw a galra ship pulling him in. No! Nononononono! His thoughts yelled at him. When he landed on the Galran ship the escape pod door opened and he saw Prince Lotor. He came in grabbed his arms and handcuffed his hands behind his back. Keith was too sad to even care. He easily went with him and he let him put him in the prisoners clothes. He put Keith in a cell chained his hands above his head to the wall. He also put a muzzle over his mouth.

"Well, hello there young paladin," Lotor said.

Keith couldn't answer with the muzzle over my mouth.

Lotor said, "Let's have some fun now."

Then he began to beat him. It was awful. Keith was crying so much he couldn't stand all the pain. There was nothing he could do about it. He was relieved when it finally stopped. Lotor got up grabbed a camera looking thing and he called the paladins.

"Hello paladins and princess. I have the red paladin. Not that he is important than you anymore after seeing his galra side," he said.

Then he stepped out of in front of him so they could see how bad he looked after he was beaten. Keith slowly lifted his head up and he saw them. He saw Pidge, Hunk, and Lance in tears. Shiro was in complete shock. Allura and Coran looked guilty. Keith was terrified until he heard Lance.

"Give us Keith back Lotor," He yelled.

Lotor replied, "Not until I get to have my fun with my new pet."

"Keith is not your pet Lotor," Shiro spoke up.

Lotor answered, "Yes he is until you find me."

After he said that Lotor knocked him out and Keith doesn't remember what happened during the time he was out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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