Sounds Like A Plan

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Have you ever stopped and wondered why certain people just show up in our lives? Why at a certain moment in time a stranger walks into our lives and changes everything. Some people believe they show up in our lives because we need them. They are sent by God to help us through a difficult time, to act as an aide to help us physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Sometimes they stay for a short period of time. Sometimes they stay a little longer. Sometimes they just seem to pop in and out of our lives.

It was Friday, the end of another work week. It seemed longer than usual even though Monday was the 4th of July and I was off. Sometimes it seems the shorter the work week, the longer it feels. I was headed over to McGuire's in Market Square, my usual after work watering hole. It was a nice place in the middle of downtown Pittsburgh that felt like a local small town bar. Everybody who went to McGuire's on a regular basis quickly became friends. This included the staff as well.

Mike was one of the bartenders at McGuire's. A short middle-aged guy with medium brown hair with touches of grey around the temples. Always tanned and dripping in gold chains around his neck and wrists. He was a pleasant enough fellow most of the time but like all of us, he had his moments when he could be a royal pain in the ass.

He had invited me over to his place for the 4th. He and his girlfriend were having a cookout. It would be a small gathering Mike and Pam, along with Art and his girlfriend Karen. Art was a friend of mine as well. I actually had worked for Art until the company promoted him right out the door. It sounded like fun, but since I wasn't dating anyone at the time I declined the invitation. Just something about being in a small intimate setting and being the only person without a date just didn't seem right.

I walked into McGuire's to find it relatively empty for a Friday afternoon. Art was sitting at the bar about 8 seats down from the front door. A group of 3 or 4 older guys were at the far end of the bar. A couple occupied one of the booths that ran along the back wall. I walked over to where Art was sitting.

'Kind of dead in here this afternoon' I commented.

Art looked around, 'Yeah but it's early. I'm sure it will pick up. Where in the hell were you on Monday?'

'I was home.'

Just then Mike walked over and placed my Coors lite down in front of me. He looked at Art.

'So where the hell were you on Monday?' Mike asked

'What are you two guys a comedy team now? He just asked me that same question.' I nodded in Arts direction.

'Well?' Mike looked at me.

'I was home. I didn't feel like showing up without a date.'

Mike just laughed.

'Well you should have found a date. We had a great time. We grilled out steaks and lobster, lots of beer to drink. We could see the fireworks from my deck. After the fireworks we jumped into the hot tub. It was a blast.'

I smiled. 'Sounds like it.'

'I can't believe you couldn't find a date.' Mike continued

'I didn't look for a date, ok. Let's just drop it. I'm glad you guys had fun, wish I was there, it's over and done.'

I knew I was in for a long night. When Mike got hold of something he just wouldn't let go.

'Hey Art, can you believe it. Kurt couldn't find a date for the 4th. Look at him, all dressed up, great personality, great job. I guess he's not a bad looking guy either. Hell I could find you a date in a heartbeat!'

'Ok Mike you made your point, just get me another beer.' I said starting to get a little annoyed.

Mike placed the beer down in front of me. Just as he was about to start on me again the door opened. We all turned to see two women entering the bar. None of us had ever seen either of them before. They sat down at the first two bar stools. Mike walked over and took their drink orders. As he placed their beers down he did what any good bartender does and engaged them in some small talk. When he finished he came back to where we were. He smiled and glanced down towards the two women again.

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