You Make up Pt.1

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Suoh: You ran through the city, going to the Homra bar. How could your dad do this to you? Chase was nothing like his father,right? You stormed into the bar, your loud entrance making your uncles look at you in concern "(y/n), what are you doing here? And where's your dad?" Izumo said, looking at you in concern, along with setting down the glass he was polishing. "I-I got into a fight with him about Chase, and he called me a bitch." Everyone was surprised by what their king had said to his daughter. "Well if you'd like you can stay here as long as you want." Izumo replied,  nodding, you wet upstairs to a room to cool down. 


Mikoto was running through the city, looking for you, cursing himself for what he called you. He hadn't meant it, he just didn't like the fact that you were growing up faster than he want you to. He stopped at the sound of his phone going off, looking down, he saw that his friend Izumo had sent him a text message "She's at the bar with us." Quickly turning around, he went in the direction of the bar. He all but ran in, getting everyone's attention, and they were not pleased to see their king "How could you?" Yata said to him, "Where is she? I need to apologize to her." He asked Izumo "Upstairs in the bedroom." Nodding, he went up to go and apologize.

Back to you....

You were sitting on the bed drying your eyes, still sad and upset with your father. A knock was heard on the door, "guys go away, I told you I don't want to talk about it." "Well I do." Your head shot up at the sound of your father's voice, you got up and answered the door. Mikoto walked in, and he looked like hell, eyes red, hair disheveled, and he looked sad. Before you could get a word out, you were being hugged by your dad, "I'm sorry." He said, you looked up at him in shock, never have you ever heard him apologize. "Dad it's ok." "No it's not, (y/n), while I wasn't thrilled about you sneaking out, I understand why you did what you did. But most of all , you're not a bitch. You are a sweet and beautiful young lady, and I didn't see it, because I still see my little girl." You hugged him tighter, "dad, I promise you, no matter what, I will always be your little girl." "That's why I decided that you can see Chase." "Really?!" "Yes, but one slip up and he's gone." "Thanks dad." The father daughter moment was briefly interrupted by a flash. Both looked up to see the members of Homra with a camera, you laughed you loved your family through thick and thin, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Izumo: After taking a few calming breaths, he looked down and saw a piece of paper on the floor. Picking it up, he saw the drawing you had made, and felt terrible for what he'd done. His eyes widened as he realised what he'd said to his daughter. "Oh god, what have I done?" He looked at all the glass on the floor, along with some drops of blood. Quickly but carefully stepping over the glass pile, he went upstairs to your room, your door was closed, but Izumo could still hear your cries coming from your room. Making his heart break, how could he do this to you? You were just a sweet girl who did nothing wrong, sighing, he opened the door and went in, your were lying on your bed, crying into your pillow, carefully, Izumo sat on your bed, and pulled you onto his lap, you struggled, but your father stood up and brought you into the bathroom. Setting you down, he took out the first aid kit and started to clean and bandage your scratches on your arms. Once he was done, you went to move, but again your father brought you into his arms. "I'm so sorry princess, you are not a mistake, you are the best daughter a father could ask for." You looked at him, "I'm sorry about your glasses." "Don't be, it was an accident, I can always get more, and by the way, I love the drawing you made for me." "Daddy? I love you." "I love you too princess, forever and always."

Yata: Yata looked around the city for you after you had run out. He hadn't meant to yell at you, he just didn't want you to get hurt. He kept looking for you when he heard a scream, yours. "(Y/N)!" He yelled, running to you.

To you....
You were walking down an alley, trying to clear your mind, when a couple of drunk men stepped in front of you. "Looky at what we have here boys, a little girl, why don't you come home with us and have some fun?" He went to grab you, and you screamed, the guy slapped a hand on your mouth and started dragging you further into to the ally. Tears were coming down your face until you heard something. "You f*cking shits, get the hell away from my daughter!" Once he knocked them all out, he turned to you, you didn't care that you had a fight. You jumped into his arms and cried and kept saying sorry over and over again.Yata held you close, and stroked your hair "It's ok, and I'm sorry too, honey, why we don't go home?" And you two went home, both feeling better.

Ok guys that's all I got for now, next few parts coming out soon!

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