Falling in Love part 1

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Hello everyone who is still reading this book I just got done with a concert for my choir, so I wanted to congratulate myself by writing another chapter for my favorite people.....you guys.  Thank you for reading and I don't own you or left for dead 2.  Now onto the book.😅

Jackson's POV:
(Bet you didn't see that one coming.  Anyway this starts on the bridge.)

Ed, Jasper, Emmett, Jake, and I were all on the bridge waiting for survivors to come.  We were simple sitting here minding are own business when Tod came up to us. (Tod is the tank that was "talking"to you in the chapter before this. Also I tried to make fun of his name and this is the best I could come up with.)
"Hey Jackie Wakie you know our "agreement". If you find any survivors after this there ours."(the tanks)
"Yeah we know the agreement as long as you remember to stay off our territory then we will give you the humans that we don't eat." I said. 
"Why you little-"he was cut off by the sound of a car alarm.   "This isn't over."
We waited a little bit to let the common infected go before us and get there heads blown off cause of how stupid they are.  After we were sure the common infected were busy distracting the humans we started going to the humans, and of course the tanks just had to make so much noise giving up our position so I just decided to screech and let them know we were there too.  We got passed all the cars and saw the humans with nothing but melee weapons so this should be easy.  I then noticed this one girl with pretty (h/c) that was flowing in the wind and beautiful (e/c) that sparklys with the sun.  I then saw Tod going to her to attack her and I moved.  I don't know why I did what I did, but I landed on Tod's head and made him hit her instead of actually killing her in one blow.  Then I jumped off of his head to go try and save the beautiful lady.  I almost got to her but then she tripped and fell off the bridge, so i did the only logical thing and jumped after her to save her.  She screamed a blood curling scream that broke my heart after hearing her scream like that.  I don't know why I'm acting like this but I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out right now I have to save this beautiful lady.  I reach just in time and say "Your going to be okay." Before she passed out.  We hit the water and I took most of the fall since I'm practically dead already don't need my mate dead after just seeing her. 'Wait did I just say mate.'

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I have final exams coming up and I also have a lot of projects that are due coming up.  I hope yo have the other chapter to this part up soon and just to let you know it is he first time writing a chapter in a guys point of veiw and it was hard but I will do it just for you guys.  Anyway adios amigos until next time.

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