Day 2- part 2 😭😍

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I was with kenzie and loran when Annie came over.
Y/N: hey Annie
Al: hi
KZ: hi Annie
Al: hi kenzie
LG: hi Annie
Al:hi loran oh yeah Y/N Hayden Is being really wired and he said  he can't tell no one about it because he said some one heart is going to Break 
What was Annie talking about so I went up to the boys
Y/N: hey little bro can u talk to u plz
Hs: Yh sure
Your guys walk away from the group
Hs:so what up
Y/N: Annie said to me that u can't tell no one something because there heart might break
Hs: she told u
Y/n: what are u talking about plz tell me I am your sister
Hs: well it is about u and Carson
Y/n: what do u mean
Hs: well leondre likes u and Carson likes u but he also likes loran but he did not want to ruin your friendship so he did not tell u
Y/n: wait really
Hs: Yh I am sorry I had to tell u like that
Y/n:it is not your fault I just need to go
Hs: are u okay
Y/n: Yh
U ran of to the bathroom u was crying as well but u had to run though the boys and the girls to get there but u know they will just try and talk to u
Carson POV
I don't know how to tell y/n this but I don't like her like that any more so made I will just tell her in a bit
No one POV
Y/n : I need to do this okay 3...2...1
You ran thought the boys but Carson stops u
Cl: I need to talk
Y/n: well what ever your going to say I don't care
Cl: but it is important so come with me
By now everyone was looking
Y/n: what ever u are going to say then say it in front of everybody
Cl: okay
Y/n: go a head then
Cl: okay... I am really...sorry but ... I don't like u like that any more and I want to Break up
Y/n: what ...:shocked
Everyone 😮😮
Y/n: I don't care because I new who u like
Cl: who ...
Y/n: u like loran I don't even know why I had a crush on u because really all my life I have new this 3 boys but only like 2 but no I chose u 😭😭
Cl: who was then 2 boys 🤔
Y/n: why should I say for
Cl: because I want to now
Y/n: why so u can hurt them or do something to them
Hs: come on y/n
Y/n: no I am not going i new it was not right to come😭😔
Al: don't say that y/n
Y/n: u want to now who I like...
Cl: Yh
Y/n: okay I like leondre and Jacob
Js: what 😮
LD:what 😮
Cl: what 😮
Hs:what 😮
There are 520 words not adding this hope u like it 😂❤️🥀

Imagine Carson Lueders Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora