
I'm here.

I walked outside and got in a car I'd never seen Will in before. It was a red sports car with the top down.

"Nice," I commented when I shut the door. He smiled. "Thanks."

"So, where are we going?" I asked him as he started driving.

"Somewhere that other humans think is fun," Will replied and I gave him a weird look.

"Are you implying that you're not human?"


"So, you're an alien now?"

"Shut up Leia."

I giggled and relaxed back in my seat, turning on Will's radio and cranking Radio One.


It had been a couple of weeks since I went on that first date with Louis and we had been texting a lot, and he had taken me out a few more times after that. Every time he took me on a date, he dropped me off at my house, kissed my forehead and left. He was so sweet and funny and I really enjoyed being with him. But every time he dropped me off or said goodnight, I couldn't get Ashton out of my head. Over those few weeks I'd heard that Ashton had slept with five or six girls and my heart crumbled. I guess he really had used me.

I really really enjoyed being with Louis, but he wasn't Ashton. He didn't have Ashton's dimples or his laugh or his curly hair or his smile. Louis had good things too. He was funny and he had really nice blue eyes and was a gentleman, but he still wasn't Ashton. I couldn't get that out of my head as I laid on my bed in misery. A few minutes later my phone buzzed.


Hey Claire, are you home?

Me: Yeah. Why?


I need to talk to you about something. Can I come over?

Me: Yeah, of course.

I sighed and got up, deciding to put on something a little more presentable than a tank top and old sweats. I put on a pair of simple denim shorts and a white tee shirt before pulling my hair up into a messy bun. Nothing too dressy. He was just coming over to talk, not take me out.

I left on my fuzzy socks just because Brielle told me that they were actually good comfort when you were sad. I didn't believe her at first but now I refused to take them off unless I was putting on a different pair.

I sat at the kitchen table with a cup of hot chocolate warming my hands even though I still felt dead inside. I had no idea that breaking up with someone was so hard. It was so painful, like someone was standing on your heart, repeatedly stomping on it. It hurt and it sucked.

Just then there was a knock at the door, so I pulled myself together, plastered a smile on my face, and answered the door.

Louis was standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, looking down. When he looked up at me, he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Bad sign.

I led him inside and we sat down across from each other at the kitchen table.

"So, what's up?" I asked him. Louis fidgeted with his fingers nervously.

"I want to talk about Ashton."

My heart clenched and I suddenly had this odd feeling combination of wanting to cry my eyes out and throw up at the same time.

"Okay, what about?" I swirled my cup of hot chocolate and stared into it, trying to distract myself with the swirling brown liquid.

"Claire, I really like you, okay? But I can't be with you if you're still hung up on Ashton. He's moved on, so why can't you?" Louis asked, quite harshly I might add.

"Maybe cause I liked him a lot more than he liked me," I mumbled, holding my cup firmly to keep my hands from visibly shaking.

"I like you a lot more than he ever will, so why not give me a chance?" he pleaded.

"I have," I reminded him. "These past couple of weeks I've been giving you a chance. I'm sorry Louis but I really care for Ashton. I'm not going to stop thinking about him for a while."

"Fine. Whatever." Louis stood up and stormed out, slamming my front door as he did. I dragged myself back to my room and cried. Two breakups in less than a month? I literally had no idea how other people went through this dating shit starting in middle school. Ashton was my first real boyfriend and the guy I lost my virginity to. Louis wasn't technically my boyfriend, but his break up still hurt.

I just laid on my bed and cried until I eventually passed out into a dreamless sleep.

Having a broken heart really sucked.

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