"Can I put in a thought?" Mason randomly shows up we were both shocked and confused.

"Mason. Not right now I don't need your sarcasm and all that shit" she sniffles.

"Just listen to me Lila" he rolls his eyes while she's not looking. "For starters. Mark has always been an ass and never deserved you, he always knew you were better than him anyone knew that, and for him to do that makes you strong, and makes you obviously way better than that piece of shit. He's such a dumbass to do that to you, you could do so well and get anyone you want. So Lila really you shouldn't be crying over an asshole like him because he's not worth anything. Someone to be as dumb as him to cheat on you is trash and you shouldn't shed one tear. I know you loved it love him but Lila grow up sorry to rough but grow up and stop thinking about him because you can do better" he said. And to be honest him saying that made me sad and feel like shit after doing what I did to him. Long time ago but I feel horrible and sad.

"MASON! You're making me cry more" She groans wiping her eyes.

"Well I thought it worked. But okay" he shakes his head.

"No I mean like that was really nice. Thanks" she sighed. She wipes her tears away. "Thanks guys I needed this." "And mason that coming from you is like the biggest surprise ever. Sorry I didn't mean to make you all like gushy."

"Yeah it sucked" he laughs trying to lighten up the mood she rolls her eyes but laughs a bit. "So we're never talking about that ever got it?" He asks getting up. "Also you ruined my sleep."
He goes upstairs again.

"He's deep down a sweetheart" she says. "It's great" she laughs.

"Yeah. I know. Half the reason I love him" I replied. "Now come on. We're gonna go do something fun as be happy" I nudge her.

"What?" She asks.

"Get ice cream, shop if you want, enjoy the sun and summer" I replied.

"K can I borrow clothes?"

"Obviously is that even a question?" I laughed. We et up going up to my room. When we walk in Mason is laying on the bed closed eyes sprawled only in his boxer briefs. The blankets are on the floor. Lila looks at me and smirks. She wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes laughing lightly.

"Are we inviting all of them?" She asks me in a whisper.

"Do you want to?" I whisper back we go to the washroom in my room.

"Yeah I mean sure. Why not" she shrugs.

"K, how should we wake him even though he's not fully asleep right now?" I asked. She grabs the water bottle that I had in my room I hold back a laugh. She takes the cap off.

"Touch me with that water and I swear to god you are dead" he mutters. She sighs. He turns around. "I'm disappointed considering I was being a sweetheart to you."

"How did you know?" She asks.

"First of all. You're loud as shit. The water bottle was like crinkling and all. Second. I was trying to sleep doesn't mean I was asleep" he says.

"Get up we're going places" I tell him.

"Where?" He asks.

"Places" I repeat he rolls his eyes.

"Tell me where or I'm just staying in bed. That means I don't have a reason to go" he states closing his eyes again.

"Oh my god we're just going for ice cream and I don't know the rest" I shrugged.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to but it will be boring and all that" Lila shrugs.

"Fineeee, give me clothes" he groans. Lila goes into my closet to get herself clothes.

"Get up and get changed. Why are you even this tired?" I asked.

"Don't know" he sighs. He sits up. His skin was already tan and beautiful. And he just looks like a snack. I go to my bag grabbing my shorts and a top. I put that on. I turn and Mason was already in his clothes all black white converse hair messy.

"Will you not get hot?" I asked.

"I already am babe" he smirks.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes. Lila comes out in shorts and a crop top. She's wiped her eyes.

"Do I look fine. Like am I puffy?" She asks.

"No you look great" I tell her. "If it were me I'd look like a blow fish" I laugh.

"I texted Lily. I think she's with Nathan. She told me she'd meet at the diner. And all the crying and hangover shit I need food" she sighs. I. I'd. I get my bag and converse on and we go.

"So...when are you guys gonna her married?" She asks. And I laugh.

"Lila" I said.

"What!? I mean it. You guys live together go to the same school love each other. And Mason has an obsession with you" She states.

"We're 19" I tell her. Mason nods.

"So what." She shrugs. "I WANNA PLAN! Like don't get me wrong I already am. But imagine the dress and me being the maid of honour. And how cute the whole thing would be" she smiles.

"Calm down" we said.

"If you guys don't get married within next year you're annoying" she sighed shaking her head.

"Who knows" Mason shrugs and Lila grins at me. I roll my eyes shaking my head.



....I don't know what to say tbh. I hope you guys liked this chapter. And yeah...that wasn't like a hint or anything so no ideas please. Even though. Who really knows. Ya know😉 sorry I'm weird I know guy. Anyways enjoy this chapter tell me whatcha think about it and all that. You know the drill with that! Xoxo.


Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now