Chapter 4: Curiosity Breeds Curiosity

Start from the beginning

"It's only a few miles from where Pitchner's ship crashed the last time." Katherine's voice faded softly.

Ombric frowned. "Are you okay?"

She shook the memory away and looked up, "Yes, yes I'm fine. I have been keeping my eyes out for those weepers but not much of a sign of them here. " She swirled her finger in a long strand of hair, "I don't understand why Mim sent me here. So far most of the kids seem okay other than the occasional misbehavior. In fact..." She stopped and glanced at him again, "Things seem a little bit too ideal here."

"What do you mean?" Ombric pressed, leaning into the mirror.

"It's hard to say," She replied, "But it is almost like some force is already here keeping it at bay."

The old wizard stroked his beard, "Could be something good."

"Or something so bad they wants nothing to do with it." Katherine was quiet again as she drifted off seemingly into another memory. Ombric sat patiently waiting for her to return to him while he played with his robe. "Hmm... I will have to look into it." She finally murmured thoughtfully. She turned to him again this time saying, "There is more to this town then meets the eye. I'm not sure what, but there is something here."

"I suggest going to the library." Ombric said, "Look into the history and myths. There may be a short link between them."

She nodded, "I will do that." She leaned in towards the mirror. "I miss you Ombric.*

He smiled sadly, "I miss you too." He was silent for a moment then whispered, "If you don't me asking, when are you going to contact the other Guardians?"

She crossed her arms, rubbing them, "Ombric, we're all busy, I am sure they have better things to do then talk to me."

"Katherine, you've missed all the meetings, all the balls, all the drills, even Pitch's attack--"

"I was working Ombric, I couldn't get there I'm time if I wanted to. Besides, they handled it." She looked away from the mirror and to the wall already covered in pictures and drawings.

"But they might not have." Ombric whispered, "They could have been killed, one was."

She tapped a finger on her arm, ignoring his scrutinizing gaze, her rhythm matching the clock. "One died?"

"Yes, the children brought him back again could you not know this?"

"I did, I suppose in my own way." Katherine dropped her arms and let out a breath. "But they are okay now, thanks to the children." She finally looked back at the old magician, "What about this new Guardian, Jack Frost?"

Ombric leaned back, "I know little of him, only that he brings fun and snow wherever he goes."

"I heard he is quite the troublemaker." She smirked.

"He's doing well." He answered, "He doesn't always follow our rules, but sometimes we need that. Not everything works by the rules."

Katherine nodded in agreement. "Not to be rude Ombric," She grabbed the mirror, "But I have to write my list now."

"Of course, please try to contact me again soon. Seven months is an awfully long time." He smiled at her, and she smiled back before the glass turned to static and his face faded.

Katherine sat leaning up against Kailash with a small sigh. She sighed a little, feeling Kailash raise her head to look at her. She cocked it gently, almost comically and said, "Mum good?"

She smiled weakly, patting her smooth feathers. "I'm fine, let's get to work."

Katherine then sat her desk and began to make a list of names, slowly and carefully.


Outside the window of Katherine's apartment, across the street under the starry night sky; stood a woman. Her flowing hair moving like a fog in the wind, slow almost ghost-like. She stared into the brightly lit window, not daring to speak as she stood like a statue there. Her eyes turned slowly from the busy girl to Jack, who stood on a tree branch, oblivious to the vigilant eye as he was absorbed in a conversation he seemed to have with the moon. He finally sat down, stopping altogether and leaning against the tree silently.

There was the sound of a whine and a hiss from next to her, and she averted her gaze to the noise. Scurrying along the ground, next to a sewer grate a creature, covered in fur stared at her with six purple eyes. It hissed at her, revealing a row of sharp white teeth before disappearing under the grate. She opened and closed her hands at her side and took a deep breath. "We don't have much time." She looked at the moon. "They are rising."

And just like that, the fog enveloped her, and she disappeared into the twilight.


Jack walked back and forth on the branch as he talked to the moon, which was rising high in the sky earlier as the winter solstice drew near. "'I've never seen her before, I'm sure of it." He said.

"Perhaps you have."

Jack sat down crossing his legs. Baby Tooth, as usual, slept in his pocket snuggling into Jacks cold hand. Jack pulled out his hands and adjusted the hood which was beginning to slide down.

"You need not cover your head, Jack, I am not God."

Jack smirked, "I know you're not. Just an old habit from..." His voice trailed off, his kind going back to the frightened children and adults of World War II. Many huddling in the dark terrified, their heads covered as they prayed. Jack could do little to help them, but he decided to pray with them, showing what respect he could by using an old hat to cover his head. It was amazing what habits stuck with him from old memories.

"About the woman." Mani insisted, seeming interested.

"Right, the woman." He looked up. "She looks young, but she is apparently teaching at the school."

"That is a noble profession."

Noble? He never thought teaching was a worthy career, he wasn't big on math and science and preferred his head not stuffed with the info he wouldn't use. "I guess." He said. "But that's not the strangest part, she could see me."

The moon was silent for a second then, "She could?" He did not sound surprised, or even amazed.

"Yes! A full-grown adult has never been able to see me before, but she had!" His voice pitched with excitement. "I'm going to see her again, talk to her and find out why."

Man in Moon seemed to be thinking, "Why is this so important to you?" He questioned.

Jack became silent again, tapping his knee, "I don't know. She just sparks something in me...a feeling like a memory I can't quite place." His voice dropped towards the end again as a faceless figure pierced his memory. Then his voice rose again, "But don't you find it interesting that an adult could see me?"


Mani didn't sound near as enthusiastic as he, but for once he didn't care. "I'll find out tomorrow."

The moon didn't answer, and Jack realized he must have become busy again. He was always busy. It didn't surprise him at all. So he sat back in his tree and breathed deeply. I'll find out tomorrow, he thought again.

There was warmth on him as if someone was burrowing two lasers to at his back, but when he turned around, all he saw was mist. He put his hands in his jacket, eyes scanning for whatever could have disturbed him, but found nothing. Shaking the strange feeling off, he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes.

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