
William sat next to Louis on the couch, a mug in his hand.

"Gradma will drag me to London on Monday", he said. Louis could feel he was pissed. "And I will have to miss class."

Louis pulled his legs up and leaned down on his grandmother's couch. It smelled good.

"It will be good for you," Louis said. "Maybe you'll like London."

William almost felt offended.

"I don't want to like London. I want to like Washington in the US," he turned to Louis. "I want to leave this place."

Louis took a deep breath. William always had the same speech, and Louis argued against it. Now he simply don't give a shit anymore. If William wanted to go, what's the problem?

He remained silent and watched the television.

When the family arrived, the first thing Grandma did was show William the catalogs.

"So many courses!" She said. "I only thought of you when I read, you want pediatrics, don't you?

But William didn't want any of it, except he could not say it to Grandma. Margaret looked so excited.

"If you had already chosen a course you could go with it," William said again, and took a sip of what he had in his mug. "It's serious, Louis, the big time is coming... soon you will have to fill out the forms, and you will not have the option to 'wait a little longer'"

William was wearing the tune of knows it all again.

"I still have a little time... I know I'll be interested in something," Louis shrugged. "It's a matter of time"

William chuckled.

"Alright then."

They would argue if Margaret hadn't called them to dinner.


Louis spent Saturday carrying sacks of manure for Margaret. His parents said that this was how he could spend more time with his grandmother and see her happy. William did nothing. He claimed that going to London was already a very high quota for making the grandmother happy. But he would go to the city, he would see the monuments that in the nine grade everybody was crazy to go. The London Eye, the River Thames and the Big Ben.

But Louis didn't really care. He was enjoying it.

Saturday was the only day Harry didn't disturb him. He didn't send a message, he didn't call. Louis felt anxious. Perhaps this obsession that Harry had had already become something he had always waited for. And he didn't even knew if Harry had spoken to William. Things were kind of weird with both of them.

Margaret asked for Harry, and William smiled saying that he was all right. But contrary to what he always did, he didn't elaborate. It was the first thing Louis noticed wrong.

On Sunday, after lunch, Louis tossed his backpack into William's place in the car. He hugged his grandmother and smiled at William, sending him good luck.

"Then it will be the two of us," Margaret smiled at Louis. "As soon as you decide what you're going to do, we'll go together in every college in this country to find a place you like."

Louis smiled. Grandma was old enough for this sort of thing, but she still wanted to do it. And Louis loved her too much.

On the way back, Louis felt his face warm when he thought of the courses to take. He had only a few more weeks before handing out the forms. Soon the parents would push him... But what could he do? There were millions of courses and Louis couldn't pick any. What if he never could choose one? It would be hell.

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