Would You Rather (Part 1)

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"Come on Hermione, are you going to play or not?" Ron bugs Hermione. They all sit outside near the Shreiking Shack-Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Fred, and George-about to play Would You Rather, but Wizard style, of course. "Honestly Ronald, this is so childish." Hermione responds with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Oh come on, just for a minute. If you don't have fun after a while we'll let you choose something to do." Harry adds, further trying to convince Hermione. Her face lights up at his words and she closes her book. "Alright, but if I don't like it, you have to do what I want to do." Harry nods in agreement, despite the death stare he can feel Ron giving him. "Alright, hands in everyone." Fred and George say simultaneously. They all put their hands into the middle of the circle and Fred takes out his wand, but they are suddenly interrupted by a certain blond Slytherin. "Oh, look who it is!" Draco teases them, Crabbe and Goyle following closely behind him. "Shove off, Malfoy." Ron snaps back, already quickly irritated, not wanting Draco to interupt the game that was just about to begin. "Ooo, not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we taught Weasel-bee here how to respect his superiors." Malfoy teases again, adjusting his coat in a smug manor. Hermione laughs. "Hope you don't mean yourself." She taunts back. "How dare you talk to me. Filthy little mu-" his words cease as he notices Harry Potter sitting in the circle. How had he not seen him there before? He didn't understand why Harry chose to associate with mudbloods and scums like Granger and Weasley. Well . . . truthfully, he didn't really understand what was so awful about it, except that his father thought so. He could never disappoint his father. So he hated Harry because of it . . . or at least he should. The sound of Hermione clearing her throat loudly brings Draco back to reality. He suddenly realizes he'd stopped mid sentence and had been staring at Harry for he didn't even know how long. He feels his face heat up, and Luna and Hermione snicker. "Would you like to play Would You Rather with us?" Harry asks all of the sudden, not entirely sure what had come over him. It just slipped out. Crabbe and Goyle laughed and Draco's face got even hotter. "Play with you. That's a laugh, eh Draco?" Crabbe laughs, nudging Draco's shoulder. It really was pathetic how much Crabbe and Goyle tried to make sure Draco liked them. They were like his pets, and even Draco could admit it was rather annoying. Draco couldn't believe Harry was inviting him to play with them. He stumbled over his words, not sure if he should say yes like he wanted or be appalled he even offered. "Or, are you scared?" Harry finally added when it seemed the offer wasn't enough. Draco mouth gaped open. "Scared? Believe me, Potter, I'm not scared." He snaps, taking Harry's bait so willingly it almost seemed intentional. "Then sit down." Luna adds all of the sudden, taking the words right out of Harry's mouth and smiling sweetly yet blankly as she always does. Draco looks baffled and at a loss for words, then after a moment he walks over and sits down in between Luna and Hermione, because it was the only open space, mumbling something about a dumb game and a filthy mudblood. Crabbe and Goyle look baffled aswell but ultimately decide not to challenge Draco, and sink down behind him, not in the circle. They all put a hand in the middle of the circle, except Draco. "Well come on!" George says impatiently. Draco notices what everyone else is doing, and hesitantly places his hand in the pile of hands in the center, rolling his eyes. It was clear Draco had never played this game before. George waves his wand over everyone's hands and mumbles something as a purple sparkling magic bond appears and holds all of their hands together momentarily, before dissappearing. Everyone takes their hands back, and Draco looks questionably at his, but doesn't ask questions. He doesn't want to sound clueless of a Wizard game in the presense of a mudblood. Or Harry . . . but that's not important. "Okay, I'll go first." George says, pulling a bottle out of his bag and placing it in the center of the circle. He gives it a quick spin and it lands on Hermione. "Alright, Granger." George says with a devilish grin he seemed to always sport when he's up to no good. "Would you rather kiss Luna or Ginny?" He asks and Fred high fives him. Hermione's face turns pink. "What? I told you this was a bad idea Ronald!" She scolds him, but finds he is sporting the same cheeky grin as his brothers. Draco doesn't understand what the big deal is. I mean sure it might be a bit awkward to pick, but it's just a bloody question. "I guess Luna." Hermione finally mumbles out. Suddenly a pink rope-like bond forms between Luna and Hermione. Draco is even more confused. Hermione shifts uncomfortably, and then leans over Draco toward Luna, the blush clear on Hermione's face while Luna's face seems just as blank as always. It's only when their lips connect that Draco really understands what is going on. He jumps back as they kiss right in front of him, probably being a bit dramatic. They finally pull away and Hermione wipes her mouth as the pink bond disappears. "Alright, my turn." Hermione mumbles and spins the bottle. Draco suddenly finds himself wondering what would happen if you don't do what you've picked, but his pride won't let him ask. Plus, he's in too deep to quit now. The bottle stops on Neville and he sits up straight with a small smile as his face lightly tints pink. "Uh, Neville . . . Would you rather, uh, give up your wand for the rest of the game or, uh, hold Fred's hand?" Hermione asks hesitantly.  "Come on, that's boring." Ron pipes up with a scoff. "Well then you think of one if you're so clever!" she yells at Ron. "I can't, it's not my bloody turn, is it?" He yells back. Hermione looks angry and Draco snickers. Maybe this game is a little fun. Neville slowly and hesitantly glances over at Fred and then quickly looks away. "Uh, give up my wand." He says quickly. The pink bond forms again, only this time it forms around Hermione's hand and dips into Neville's pocket, a wand floats out of it like it's being pulled by the pink, rope-like magic, and then lands delicately in Hermione's hand. Neville wipes his sweatly palms on his jeans and spins the bottle. Draco attempts to swallow the huge lump that suddenly forms in his throat as he watches the bottle slowly come to a stop, pointed at him. He can't help but be nervous. "Alright, uh . . ." Neville thinks for a bit but seems unable to think of anything as Draco and the rest of them grow impatient. Draco could swear he sees Harry staring at him out of the corner of his eye, but he doesn't dare look. Luna suddenly leans across everyone and whispers something into Neville's ear, causing him to go stiff as a board. "I'm not saying that!" he whisper-yells in response to whatever it was she said. "Isn't it obvious?" she says in her usual sweet tone, before quickly eyeing Harry then Draco and sitting back in her seat. Draco shifts uncomfortably as he still feels Harry staring at him. "Longbottom, honestly . . ." Draco scowls impatiently. "Would you rather kiss Harry Potter or Ginny?" Neville finally squeaks out nervously, he honestly seemed to be under the impression that Draco would kill him if he said something wrong. Draco's face got hot at this question and he scoffed with fake disgust, then he thought for a moment. Of course he couldn't pick Potter, he's his enemy, and on top of that a boy. He'd even rather kiss a scummy Weasley than Potter . . . right? "Uh, Weas-er-Ginny . . ." he finally stuttered out after once again unsuccessfully trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Ginny goes stiff as a board, but just as she's about to lean in Draco screams and falls over. He feels a horrible stinging feeling that starts in his throat then makes it's way down to his feet, and he can't help but keel over and howl in pain. When the feeling stops he slowly sits back up, sweating and attempting to catch his breath. He looks around the circle and notices most people look shocked, Harry looks pale as a ghost with deep concern in his eyes, and Fred, George, and Luna are . . . Laughing? "Mind telling me what the bloody hell is so funny?" Draco snaps at them. "You got shocked just now, didn't you?" George rhetorically asks. "That's what happens when you lie, of course." Luna adds. Draco's face flushes. They hadn't told him you had to tell the truth or there would be pain involved, and worst of all now everyone in the group knows he wants to kiss Harry. He hadn't even know that. Well, he sort of did, but he'd never have admitted it, even to himself. Suddenly the bond forms between him and Harry. He should have never agreed to play. "Wh-what? I'm not-" he impulsively starts getting defensive, but is suddenly cut off when Harry grabs him by the shirt and swiftly pulls him close. Draco stares into Harry's eyes, terrified, for the brief moment that Harry lightly brushes his lips agaisnt Draco's and looks back into his. Then their lips connect, a bit more slow and passionate than Hermione and Luna's was. Draco grips Harry's hair tightly, and it's only when Harry licks Draco's bottom lip that he remebers everyone is watching and denies him access, pulling away. Draco wipes his mouth and clears his throat, not able to bring himself to look at anyone else in the group. There is a long silence, the only noise coming from the nature surrounding them and Harry and Draco's slightly unsteady breathing. Ron obnoxiously clears his throat to get someone's attention but Draco ignores it, sure it's not him. "Uh, mate?" Draco looks up and sees Ron looking at him. "You've got a . . ." Ron trails off then motions to Draco's most private area, where Draco looks down and sees his very obviously prominent boner. He covers it fast, obviously too late, and looks up to see Harry smirking and everyone else laughing at him. He face turns redder than it ever had before as he gets up and runs away. He'd never been more embarrassed in his entire life.

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