Shower Talk

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I heard the beginning of what I could only guess was Sweet Creature between the walls backstage. The band was currently doing the soundtrack for the show later tonight and I was in the "soundproof" green room (at least that's what they had told me when I first walked in, but I could still hear the mumbles of the band talking on stage and the sound of the instruments).

I hummed along to the tune as I set up the hair and makeup products I'd be using that night. Every so often, I felt my mouth widen and released a loud yawn. I loved being on tour, but all the traveling and different time zones were really doing a number on my sleep cycle. Clare and Sarah had both assured me that my body would eventually get used to it, but I was still waiting impatiently for that to happen. A lot of the past nights were spend with me watching old movies late at night in quiet hotel rooms.

I rubbed at my eyes, trying my best not to smudge my eye makeup, before looking at myself in the mirror. No amount of concealer could hide the deep circles underneath my eyes.

I checked my phone and realized the band still had about another hour of sound check, so it was up to me to entertain myself until they were done.

I looked at my hair in the mirror, it looked rather flatter than usual and that's when I remembered I hadn't washed it since we arrived at the current city we were in two days ago. I decided that a shower would be the best way to wake me up and waste time. My legs also haden't seen a razor in a few days and they could use some love as well.

Luckily, I already had some shampoo and conditioner in my bag along with a new razor I kept just in case. There was already fresh towels in the bathroom per request of the band, all of them usually showering either before or after the show.

I stood in the shower before turning it on, letting the frigidly cold water help to wake up all my senses, and it did just that. I couldn't help but admire how big the bathroom was, which sounds strange, but many of the venues so far had been tiny with just barely enough room between the toilet and the sink. At least this bathroom looked newly renovated and with more than enough room for two people to be in here at the same time. In that moment, my mind snuck away into a fantasy of what it would be like to shower with Harry after the show. I always imagined he would be very cheeky, still running from the high of the adrenaline rush from stage. I had to physically shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts. Harry's my boss and he had no business being in my fantasies.

I preoccupied my mind by thinking of what me and Lou would do when she came to visit in a few weeks. I really hoped we'd have time to sight see, and I really did want to ask her opinion on a new haircut I was thinking of trying out. My mind began to wander and next thing I knew, my hair was clean and my legs were freshly shaved. I couldn't help but feel like a genius because the shower really helped me wake up and I could now play around with my hair until I had to start getting the band ready.

I turned off the water and opened the curtain to the foggy bathroom. The shower seemingly hotter than I had thought. I leaned my head back to ring out the excess water before stepping out and walking over to where I left my towel on the counter. I used one of my hands to wipe the fog off the mirror before looking at myself (because it's something we all do after a shower and it's nothing to be ashamed of.)

I didn't think I was so bad looking, and any one would be damn lucky to have me. Even Harry Styles (not that that would ever be the case, of course.) I turned to look at my back side, which had a few stretch marks meeting at my hips and some cellulite on my thighs. I sighed, realizing that Harry's probably never even been with a woman that looked like me. Sadness only passed through me for a few milliseconds before I realized that it's his loss; everyone's lose really.

He probably wouldn't even know what to do with all this ass, I smiled at the thought as it crossed my mind. I decided then that I was going to curl my hair that night in light beach waves and wear this kick ass denim skirt I had just bought with Clare the other day. The best way to make myself feel better was to feel completely sexy and confident and I knew just the outfit to do it in.

It's the next few moments that happened so fast, I could barely comprehend what was happening.

I heard the door knob turning, realizing that I didn't lock the door and I couldn't speak up fast enough to tell the person there was already someone in here before they swung the door open.

I would've rather had anyone in the world have walked in on me butt naked, but luck had never been on my side and it just had to be him.

His eyes raked over my still completely naked body before he seemed to fully comprehend what he was seeing.

"Oh." His voice was deep and a little scratchy, exactly how it got after he'd been singing for a while without having water.

I let out a sound between a squeal and a gasp before reaching out for the towel in front of me and trying my best to hide the front of my body.

"G-get out!" My voice cracked and I felt my face burning with a blush that was quickly spreading across my entire body.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know—," His eyes flicked over to something behind me before he placed a hand over his eyes. "I didn't know anyone was in here—"

"Harry, get out!" My voice came out strong this time because suddenly I was very angry at him.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." He shut the door behind him with his hand still covering his eyes.

"Oh my god." I gasped out to the empty bathroom. I looked over at the mirror once again and could definitely tell that from his vantage point, not only did he get an eye full of the front of my body, but thanks to the mirror behind me, he also got an eye full of my backside.

"Holy shit." I wrapped the towel around my body. My heart was nearly racing out of my chest and the heat from the shower made it hard for me to catch my breath. Did I just lose my job? How would I tell Lou? Oh God, I still had to tell Lou. I needed to tell her before she found out another way. I highly doubted that Harry would be running off to tell her but they were the closest of friends and I knew he told her everything.

Shit, Fuck.

I grabbed my phone, hands shaking as I unlocked it and ran over Lou's name in my messages.

It wouldn't be that late in London yet so hopefully she would still awake.

To Lou Teasdale:

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