Part 2. The Train Stop

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True love , is an amazing  rare feeling that most people do not get to expierence. They say it is better to have loved and lost the. To have never loved at All. But how true is that statement ? For those of you who have expierenced this feeling do you agree ? Do you think the stabbing pain of a heart break is better than the infinite question of what if? Well for those of you wondering let me explain what it feels like to have lost a love. Imagine you are at a train station , eggar and curious to begin your new journey to be taken away to start a new life but the normal train does not come . It is not on time and you begin to worry you wait around until finally you see the smoke in the distance but it is not the usual train it's golden , it's glowing , it's luxurious and the most beautiful locomotive you have ever laid your eyes on. In pure awe and wonderment you board this train not even sure where it supposed to take you but all signs point to getting on at that station. You board the train and the feeling of warmth and comfort completely invelopes you and you feel home .This is not an ordinary train it's taking you to Heaven the train zooms off quickly and you feel the rush inside you as if butterflies were actually floating around in your stomach, you sit down and let the train do it's magic . Faster and faster the train picks up speed until finally . It takes off you are now flying with this train going up a snow powdered mountain of joy and amazment you wonder how this is even possible flying trains , a one way express to your own personal paradise. Finally the butterflies are gone and you feel confident that the train will take you to the land of the highest ecstasy you have ever known , you sit back and relax and let the train do it's work. But suddenly there's a bump you hit a dark cloud on your way flying up , the engine had stopped the power is out you begin to fall. You scream and you run to the front trying to find anyway to turn the train back on, you press every button you can you call for help but the line is down there is no stopping the falling train . Faster and faster you plumit back to the earth but something happens as you fall ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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