Three of the Five

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Two mornings after Aaron and my's drinking war, we're on the road once more. It seems like we travel more than not.

Our destination is Warrens, Indiana. The usual stuff for this town: ghosts, demons, jail, death, blah blah blah. But what made this investigation interesting is that the woman who wants us to investigate the jail called me personally, and told me that three new spirits were at the jail. And they had asked for me by name.

Now, after we've made the long trip to Indiana, we're confronted by a huge monster of a building.

It's long, tall, and reeks like no other. The rough gray stone could've cut you if you ran your hand against it. The shards of broken glass in the windows look like teeth, sharp as knives. Even the woman in front of the building, waiting to welcome us, looks battle-hardened and tough.

She shakes all of our hands, then turns to Zak. "So, you called us with a complaint. You said three more spirits have appeared here? How do you know?" Zak asks, and she smiles. "I know because they've told me themselves."

I look at her, then I notice the recorder in her hand. Zak looks down as well, and says,"You caught their voices?" The woman nods, and hands her recorder to Zak. Our leader turns, and gestures Aaron and I closer.

Zak plays the audio, and immediately a voice speaks. "Saira Collings," it says, its voice the barest whisper. I blink, startled, then listen longer. "Call her," the next voice says, this one male. The last voice, this one also male, whispers,"Revenge." Zak ends the recording, and hands the recorder back to the woman. "Did you recognize any of those voices?" he asks me, staring me in the eye.

I can only nod, my mind filling with images of kids, one girl and two guys. The girl swallows a small plant. One of the guys has blood seeping from his head. The last has a bullet in his skull. I blink away the images, and focus back on the present.

"Saira? Can you tell us their names?" Zak asks, his hazel eyes darkening slightly. I nod again, and say,"The first one was Ashly. The second was Sam. The last was Justin." Zak nods, then turns back to the woman. He asks her if she can show us where she captured the EVP, and, with a glance at me, she enters the jail.

"Saira-" Zak starts, but I cut him off by saying,"I'm fine, Zak. Really. Let's just get this done, then we'll get answers quicker." He nods, his eyes lingering on mine, and we follow the woman inside.

As I step through the doors, I'm confronted with the most spirits I've ever seen in one place. The light is colored white and blue with ghostly essence. I see flickers of black and red amidst the paler colors, but don't point this out. I take a step, and all the spirits turn as one towards me.

The spirits part before me, clearing me a path so that way I can follow my friends and the woman up the stairs of the jail. Some mutter as I pass; others simply disappear into white smoke, as if my very presence is cause to leave. I look around at all their faces, but no familiar eyes stare back at me. And I've seen those particular six eyes several times, in my dreams and memories.

We talk. We film. We interview. We walk. Everything seems to pass by in a blur, which is quite accurate considering that moving spirit bodies create blurs. Zak seems to notice my lack of interest in the interviews, but doesn't comment.

Suddenly, I hear a bang. I turn my head, and see the four guys staring at me, along with the interviewee, a young paranormal investigator named Ethan. As I'm in the back of the group, I head off towards the noise first, the guys following me. I knew that Zak should lead, but a feeling of guilt and fear in my gut tells me that if he leads, then I'll have to wait even longer for answers.

I turn a corner, and I see what caused the bang: a cell door, on the floor, its hinges still swinging. I crouch and touch the metal, and pull my hand back quickly at the burning hot feel of it. I sense Zak round the corner, and he stops beside me. We both look down at the metal door while the rest of our crew circles around us.

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