Is It All An Act?

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The smell of baccon filled the kitchen. It smelt so good that I considered to take a break of being a vegatarian. I looked up to find three hungry faces looking up at me.

"Can I help you?"

"Kristen..." Mr. Derran said, "Aren't you forgeting something?"

"What could I have possibly for..." Ms. Derran then cut me off.

"You need to make our beds ans set the table."

"Okay, is it just me or does it seem like you guys just became foster parents so someone could be your maid?"

"Why, yes, yes we did. Isn't that the whole purpose. Why else  would someone want a filthy, stupid teen in their home?"

"Wow, um really?" I asked

"Are you questioning my parents?" Anthony said trying to be all tough.

"Yeah, I am because what they are doing is not only cruel but also illegal. You guys are working me to death."

"Yeah exactly. Thats the plan. we are helping you. you must be really depressed because no one wants you, not even your parents."

"But my parents did want me, they died by an accident."

"Same crap different smell."

"IDIOT! you're letting the baccon burn!" Anthony yelled

"Crap!" But I ended up saving the baccon.

"So, um, why doesn't Howard ever eat with you guys?" I asked as I sat down eating a piece of toast.

"He said that we are too delusional. Which we don't know what that means but I think it mean that we are too cool. Plus, he's a vegatarian so he don't like our food we eat." Said Anthony with a mouth full of baccon.

"He is? So am I!"

"why do you sound so happy? Although he is a strange guy, he still don't like you."

"He doesn't Like me?"

"Girl, you are dumb, ugly, and youre going no where in life. Why on Earth would he like you?"

He doesnt like me...

Just then Howard walked in.

He smiled at me, and I gave him a glare. I now know that he's just a joke. He puts on an act.

I got up a went to my bedroom.

Minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Why did ya stomp out like that? You can put up with Anthony and my parents but when I walk in you have to leave?"

it was Howard at the door

"I didn't do it because I can't put up with you. I walked out because I now know the truth."

"The truth? About what, that my parents are delusional?"

"No, I already knew that."

"Good because that's pretty obvious... So, then why did you leave? You looked really upset."

"Oh, so now you care? You should really become an actor. You almost had me fooled."

"Huh? What are you talking about. I always cared."

"Just get out."

"No, not until you tell me whats wrong."

"Howard get out! Now!"


"Get  OUT!" And I pushed him out.

I sat in my room and cried.

I thought he was different. But he's just like them. He was even worse than them. They would at least come out and tell the truth, but Howard put on an act.

Howard walked into the kitchen. everyone was still eating around the table.

"What did you tell her." asked howard

"Nothing." they all said looking couriously at one another.

"No, I know you told her something. Other wise she wouldn't be in her room and acting like this."

"Howie, she is weak, she will cry about anything. It's what girls do on their period." Said Ms. Derran

"She is stronger than all of us combined. Even if she's on her... her um..."


"Yeah that. She survied a car crash and saw her parents die and is still walking around most the time with a smile. Now she is in her room crying. Don't you want to see her smile again? I know I do, It's one of the most beautiful smiles i've ever seen."

"Howard Ron Derran? Do you like her?"

"Maybe... maybe i do."

"HOWARD she is the enemy!" Yelled anthony

" really, my own son?" asked mr. derran

"Now what did you tell her?"

"we might have mentioned that we all don't like her. Like all four members of the Derran family, but she didnt act like she cared. I mean she already knew we hated her. No surprise there."

"She wasn't upset at all. So she doesn't like me?"

"Ha, son this is good for you."

"Well if that didn't bug her than what else did you say?"



"okay I called her ugly and worthless."

"MOM!... so she really doesn't lke me?"

"No, no she doesn't."

"I should still talk to her though right?"

"Heck no"

"Oh well I still am."

He walked to my room and knocked on the door.

"Karsten... You there?" Howard asked

but i didn't answer

and he walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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