The World Turned Upside Down

Start from the beginning

"Every girl in this group probably can, and, with the exception of Taurus, it's more or less that you can't get a date." Virgo snorted.

"Why with the exception of me?" Taurus defended herself.

"Because you two are cousins?" Virgo blinked.

"This conversation got weird fast," Aries noted.

"All of our conversations get weird fast," Sagittarius agreed.

"For once, we agree on something." Libra nodded, staring at the chaos.

"Actually, the only four people in here who have a boyfriend or girlfriend are Libra, Pisces, Aries, and Tari," Nye exclaimed.

"Wow. Guess the rest of us are sort of lonely losers," Leo blinked. "I can't BELIEVE that I'm not the first person here to get a date."

"Looking back, you were. You just broke up with the guy because he didn't meet your standards." Gem corrected Leo.

"Wait, who and when was it?" Cancer asked out of curiosity.

"Nye in preschool," Leo recollected.

"Yeah, I want you back!" Nye pretended to cry. "Why don't you love me anymore?"

"Gee, I wonder," Gem rolled her eyes.

The zodiacs all glanced around as an uneasy silence was placed upon them.

"How did this go from trust no one to dating?" Virgo was the first to break the silence.

"I guess it's just the way of the zodiac," Scorpio shrugged.

"I'm worried about what happens next," Aquarius sighed. "In comics and movies and stuff, whenever someone has superpowers, it means bad things are gonna happen."

"That's comics. This is real life," Libra reassured him.

"Well, last I checked, real life didn't have superpowers," Aquarius retorted.

"I'm with Q on this one," Aries agreed.

"See?" Aquarius smugly replied. "He's with me."

"With great power comes great responsibility," Aries noted.

"Actually, I've been doing some research on the zodiacs," said Virgo. "Taurus is the bull, an earth sign. And our Taurus can turn invisible. Maybe her power connects to her zodiac sign? Maybe it's something like camouflage."

"Okay, that's weird," Nye agreed.

"I thought we all agreed that our zodiac names weren't relevant to us whatsoever." Taurus sighed a dramatic sigh and sat down.

"Well, nobody signed a contract saying that we agreed to having these powers." Sagittarius rolled her eyes.

"Listen, we can make it. When don't we?" Pisces shrugged.

"That's true." Libra sighed whilst glancing around at her friends.

"If any of this is gonna work, we need to have a whole load of trust for each other," Aries said, looking between his girlfriend and Libra.

Each of the girls knew who he was talking about. So, they grunted in reply.

"Listen, Tari. We used to be best friends and I don't wanna lose that. I'm sorry I kissed Aries and had a huge crush on him. Anyways, I have a boyfriend now, and I'm completely loyal. I'm sorry." Libra held her hand out to Sagittarius.

"I'm sorry! I was such a jerk and it was just a dare! I mean, you even told me you had a crush on Aries and I said yes anyways! What type of horrid friend am I?" Sagittarius wailed and hugged Libra extremely tightly.

Soon, Libra's face started turning much paler than it should be.

"Well, um, I guess Libra won't be alive much longer," Nye shrugged, getting elbowed by both Aquarius and Gem.

Sagittarius widened her eyes and pulled away. "Whoops, got slightly carried away."

"No kidding," Libra sighed.

Just then, a small voice ran through the crowd. "Shoot! I've got a date in ten!"

"Need a ride?" Nye asked her. Most people lived near the park, with the exception of Nye, Gem, Leo, and Capricorn, who they assumed was with Taurus when they got the text.

"Oh my god, yes. Thank you so much," Pisces have a sigh in relief.

"Find out if he has a cute cousin!" Gem shouted.

Pisces sighed as Nye and her got into the car and drove off with nothing more than a wave. It was silent for a minute.

"Did they just take our ride?" Leo asked.

"Yup," Gem replied, staring after them.

"You guys can come back to Taurus' with me, since I'm leaving right after this, and I'll drop you guys off," Capricorn offered, walking over to them.

"Thanks, Cappuccino," Gem thanked him, grinning.

"Yeah, we owe you one." Leo nodded in agreement.

"Never call me Cappuccino again and we're even," Capricorn informed the two girls.

"I'll see what I can do." Gem swung her arms around the earth and fire signs.

"So, we're all in agreement? We never speak of this to anyone outside of this group." Virgo observed all of the others.

"Yeah, I think we are." Cancer gave Virgo and half-hearted smile.

"See you guys at school?" Scorpio said, though it sounded like a question.

"Totally. See you guys at school." Taurus responded.

"You're giving us a ride, right Cappuccino?" Gem confirmed.

"Yeah, c'mon. We just have to walk to Taur's house." Capricorn pointed in the direction of Taurus' house.

"Cool. See the rest of y'all soon!" Leo waved as everyone parted.

Seven crows cawed in the trees.

Hello peeps! ''Tis I! FlipFlop101! You'll see what the air signs look like next chapter. I've already been deciding who I wish to die and ships and stuff. So, if you wish to change my mind, comment!

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