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Newt takes a quick look in the mirror and frowns. His hair is an impossible mess, just like his puzzled face. His long lashes capture his chocolate-like eyes which are sad but still powerful, they're underlined with dark circles.

"Whatever." he mumbles "When was the last time I actually cared?" with that he leaves the house.

It's early spring outside, rays of sunshine dancing all around him while he makes his way to his bike. He passes by a black cat with yellowish eyes. These kind of cats usually represents bad luck but he couldn't care less. His luck was whipped away from him before so the cat cannot cause him any trouble. Now he's sitting on his bike, thinking of the cat and it's curious eyes. The ride isn't long but he enjoys every second of it. He notices all the little things, like how the wind plays with his golden locks or how the trees wants to blossom, aching for the sun. In the past these all meant something to him. Now emptiness is all he has.

Absorbed in his thoughts he can hardly notice something or rather someone in the corner of the street. He almost miss the brunet and passes by him but then a bunch of brown fluffy mess caches his attention and then his chocolate eyes meet hazel ones. His jaw drops at the sight of the boy, forgetting about the whole riding a bike thing.

"Thomas?" he gasps and sees  how the brunet give him a soft and shy, almost invisible smile  but in the next moment a honking, a screaming and a smash is all he hears as a car hit him with full speed and leave him lifelessly lying on the cold ground.

hi loves,

i know, now you all hate me and i totally understand, me myself was crying while writing this, but please, give it a chance, it'll get better! pinky promise💕


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