Time to be Brave

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Quinn and Michonne's POV:

Quinn stood at the foot of the bed Deanna was laying on. "Do you need anything?" she asked.

Deanna gave a faint smile. "No, I think I'm past wanting anything. You should go see what's going on."

"I'm not ready to leave yet," Quinn told her. "I think I can be selfish for a little bit, can't I? I don't want to leave just in case..." Quinn started to say.

"Just in case I kick the bucket?" Deanna asked.

Quinn rubbed the tears in her eyes. "How can you still joke? Especially with something like this?"

"I have to ...try to stay...positive in someway," Deanna said as a soft knock came on the door. "Come in," Deanna said softly.

Michonne came in and sat down beside the bed and gave a small smile toward Quinn.

"What's happening out there?" Deanna asked.

Michonne looked at her. "They're getting in. The rest of us, we're going to have to go. If you want me to, I'll," she said as she looked between her and Quinn.

Deanna raised the gun. "No, not ready, not yet. I will be, soon. And when I am, I'll do it myself. It's my life, start to finish," she said. "Dolor hic tibi proderit olim," she said in Latin.

"What does it mean?" Michonne asked.

"Someday this pain will be useful to you," Deanna said. "I've been trying to get Quinn to leave me for a while, you may have to pull her out of here."

"I will," Michonne said.

"How much time do we have?" Quinn asked.

"Not a lot," Michonne answered. "They are downstairs, being blocked by a couch. It'll just be a matter of time before they get up here," she told her.

Quinn nodded and went over and kissed Deanna's head. "I'm sorry for being so stubborn," she whispered.

Deanna laughed. "You are my daughter, I expected nothing else," she said as she looked at Michonne. "Go they need you," she told both of them.

Michonne stood up and tried not to fight the tears. "Thank you," she said.

"For what?" Deanna asked.

"For believing," Michonne answered.

Quinn gave a small smile. "She still believes, even now," she said.

Deanna laughs. "She's right, I do. I cocked it all up but I figured it out," she said reaching her hand out to Michonne. "What do you want? Now you figure it out. And take care of this one for me," she said as she nodded toward Quinn.

"I will," Michonne answered.

"Good give them hell. Both of you," Deanna told them as they turned to leave.

Jewel and Rick's POV:

Jewel kept looking toward the door that Deanna was at while she was standing out in the hall. She turned her head when she felt Rick come up beside her. "How's it going in there?"

"It's going. You talk with Jessie?" Rick asked as he kissed her.

"I talked with her, I'm not sure if she listened," Jewel said. "Carl and Ron were fighting, in the garage. Ron started it," she said. "Carl lied because, well he's a good man like his father and wanted to take care of the problem himself," she said as she kissed him. She lowered her voice. "I swear that if it happens again, if Ron endangers Carl or anyone else, he's not going to survive this," she said.

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