Chapter 2

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(Ali's POV)

"No Babe, I can't. They'll be so mad." I hear Jose whisper. I have a couple of things to say about that. One, what is he hiding? Two, why wouldn't he tell me he has a girlfriend?

"Please babe? They are your family, they'll support you. Please? I love and I'm so tried of hiding it. I want to let people know that I love you." Said another male voice. Wait. A male voice telling another male voice that he loves him.

What does that mean? It's not dad cause he wouldn't call Jose babe nor would he say anything about hiding anything else. What the fuck i- Jose is gay!

Finally figuring it out I run into my room where Grayson is laying on the bed reading.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking at me worried.

"I just heard something that is kind of shocking." I say closing the door and leaning against it.

"What?" At the same time he says that there is a knock at the door. I open the door to see Jose and some other boy there.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"I have something to tell you." He says. I nod having a very strong feeling I already know what it is. "I'm gay."

"What?!" Grayson shouts from the bed.

"Shut up." I tell Grayson. "I think that's great and I am super excited for you. Have you told mom and dad?" He tenses.

"No he hasn't." The boy next to him says. "I'm Maxxie. Jose's better half." We all let out a little laugh.

"I think we can agree on that." I say back.

"Ok. That's mean." Jose says. "Anyway, I need your help to tell them."

"My help? And what do you purpose we tell them?" I ask folding my arms.

"I haven't thought that far ahead."

"Ok. I have an idea. It'll be very you. Run down the stairs and jump down the last like five maybe then when you land on the floor say, loud enough for the whole house to hear, I'm gay." I pitch my idea. "It's very you. And if they don't take it well you can always play the Jose card and say, 'Gotcha.'But I'm sure it'll be fine." Then I push him toward the stairs.

"Ok. I can do this." He says then he jumps down the stairs. 3..2..1..AND, "I'm gay!"

"What?!" Echos through the house with the odd, "Thank god!"  somewhere in the mix.

"Jose!"Lily says from behind me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was scared."

"Ha ha ha. Jose sacred? Unheard of." Dad says coming around the corner.

"Did you say 'thank god', Dad?" Jose asks.

"Yes I did. I have been dreading the day you come down the stairs kind of like you did just now and instead of saying 'I'm gay' you say 'I got a girl pregnant.' One of you is scarey enough I would probably die if there was another one." Dad says then he walks into the kitchen leaving everyone laughing except Jose. He's in shock.

I turn around to talk to Grayson but I realize he isn't there. As a matter of fact Maxxie isn't either. Somethings not right. Then I come to the realization. Maxxie. As in Maxxie Allen. As in Grayson's twin brother.

I run to my bedroom and see Maxxie and Grayson hugging. "No frigging way!" I say. "You're the Gay Dodo Bird."

"Grayson you said you wouldn't tell anyone the story." Maxxie says pulling away from the hug and smacking the back of Grayson's head. "You dumb over-grown penis."

Loving My Savior... (Sequel to My Roommate. My Savior.)Where stories live. Discover now