Chapter 2

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The bell rang right after the boy left. So I was in my first class. History. It was a long and boring class but I couldn't help but think about the boy. Who was that? I was way lost in my thoughts when I herd the teacher call my name. I look up at her and she says
"What's the answer to question 2. A)?"
I look down and my page lost because to be honest I wasn't really paying attention. I didn't want to make a bad impression but at the same time I didn't really care. I suddenly hear someone whisper beside me the answer. So I wait a few seconds after and reply. The teacher thanks me and she continues with her presentation.

At the end of fist period I  return to my locker to get my binder for the next class. Math. I close my locker and I'm about to walk away when I feel someone grab my waist and turn me around to face them.
"Hey babe." Someone says
I look up at the blonde haired dude with blue eyes.
"Can I help you?" I say pulling back from him.
His hands fall to his sides.
"Wow chill out babe." He says rolling his eyes
"You're really pretty"
I look up at him and I just stare. I honestly hate peoples like this dude. So full of them self.
"Can you leave me alone" I say
" What's the rush, babe" he reply's
He leans against me forcing me against the locker.
He leans In quickly for a kiss and pushes his self on me. I push him back but he doesn't stop. I push him harder making him fall to the ground. Every one is looking now. He stands back up.
"What is you're problem!" He screams
"Sorry babe" I say with a smirked on my face.
I turn around to leave again but he grabs my wrist. I pull away telling him to let go but he doesn't.
"Let go of her douche bag" I hear someone say.
It's  the boy that got pushed into me this morning.
"What are you going to do about it Wilder?" He asked squeezing my wrist harder. I pull back and released myself. I take a step back just when the boy that fell into me this morning took a punch and the guy that had my wrist. He made him fall down to the ground. Then he grabbed my wrist and directed me down the hall fast. He turned and dragged me into the janitors closet and then slammed the door behind us.
"What the hell is wrong with you" he says
"What?" I asked
"You herd me."
I cross me arms around my chest looking straight into his eyes.
"Well I don't know what you believe in. But I don't let some jerk push me around. What did you want me to do let him kiss me?!"
He studies me for a second.
"Whats you're name?" He asks
"Summer Knightly, and you are?"
"My names Wilder" he says with a smirk.
"And what you're first name?"
"I guess you will have to find out"
"And how's am I supposed to do that" I say this time my turn to smirk.
He grabs my waist a brings me closer. Hes trying to make me nervous.
He looks me in the eyes
" I guess we will just have to meet again."
He pulls back eyes still eyes on mine and he walks out of the closet.
After math which was so boring FYI. It was time for French. I was one of the first people in class since math was right beside this class.
I took a seat at the back of the class then I took out my phone. I at least got like 50 new request on social media.
"Hey!" A girl sais as she sit down beside me
" you're Summer right?"
As soon and she started talking I knew it was the personne who gave me the answer in history class.
She had light brown straight hair that went down to her shoulders. She has these lights brow ish eyes.
"Ya I am. What's you're name?" I ask
"Well Tessa thanks for the answer in history."
"No problem" she says
We chatted all through class. We talked about are future, are past, basically everything.
Tessa seems actually really nice. I feel like I have known her forever.
" So i herd what happened with you and Patrick..." she says
"Oh you mean the guy that tried to kiss me."
"Ya are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Is he always like that?"
"No he's probably just drunk-
The bell rings and cuts her off.
"I have to get to English." I say
I slipped her my number and then I walked out of class.
Finally my last class of the day. I walk down to my locker and exchange binders but suddenly I hear my name come up on a speaker.
"Summer Knightly please report the the office."
No. Shit. I seriously can't be getting called to the office because of what Patrick did. It's not even my fault really. Even if I pushed pack he deserved it.

I walk down the long hallway and I turn into the office. The lady at the front desk hands me a package then tells me I can leave. I guess it wasn't about the fight I had earlier. I check the clock that's in the office and i can tell I'm already going to be late. Great. I go back to my locker and throw the package in. It's probably just a letter taking about the school.

I walk up 2 flights of stairs before arriving at my last class. I'm about to enter the class and I can already hear the teacher talking.
"Welcome class to you're senior year of English-
I cut him off by swinging the class door open. Everyone stares at me walking in. Jaws dropped open. Even the teacher is staring.
"I believe we have a new student here with us. Want to give a introduction to you're new classmates?"
I accept the offer even tho I don't like doing speeches. I just want to get these kids in check. I want them to know that I'm not some toy they can play with.
"Just to be clear, I don't want to be here. I'm not some shiny new toy you can play with. If you mess with me you'll regret it."
I stand there for a few moments of silent before I take the last empty seat there is in the class. It is in the back so I walk down the narrow path everyone watching in silence. I take my seat and then I hear.
"Hey New Girl."
It's a familiar voice. I can't put a finger on it. I look to my side and realize my desk partner is Wilder

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