.Confrunting the cullens and Back to Mystic Falls

Start from the beginning

when we got there i saw klaus car and eli and him getting  out of of it. i walked up on to porch i knocked  on the door and a very  bouncy  pixie  "come on in bella" she said when ahead saw thereto she frowned  "oh some on in "she continted" they followed me in to the living room and me and kol sat on the love seat whiles the.other three stood behind us "so im guessing you have questions" i said and they nodded  "ok to make this  easier you each get one questions" they agreed "so carlisle what you wanna ask" i asked him "well if you are as old as you say how come the volturi don't know of you?" he asked i looked at Klaus " well they do know about us they are scared of me and my family as we can take them out with our eyes closed" he said with a  smirk. 

"next can be ... Jasper" i said he nodded " have any of you fought in the war or helped the war out in anyway" he asked and Elijah answered "e,  we didnt fight in the wars but we gave a lot of money for the food and clothing to help out" (AN sorry i dont think they did but i wanted them to and knowing Elijah he might of) he nodded with the answer he was given i then loked at rose she understood that i wanted her to ask her question "can your kind of vampire have children have children?" of course she was going to ask that "i think as long as one of the witches to do a spell on us i know this as i was friends with a bennet witch who i later found out was travaling with my dear sister and i couldnt contact any of these because Klause being the idiot he is dragged them away for 'Family bonding time' or i like to call it threaten them to stay with him or they get a dagger to the heart" i finished and klause looked a bit pissed and i saw himglaring at me and gve him a smal wave which made him smile next esme asked her question "how long have you and kol been Married?" she asked and i was doing it in my head "err...about 540 years i think" i said looking at kol he just shrugged and said " all i would of said is a long time because it is" i just shock my head whilet Klause was chuckling and Eli was smiling as he is very formal. next was Emmett "how old are you all Humanly and Vampirely" he said and we all looked at Elijah who wasnt very happy because he had to do the calculations he glared at me and his siblings and began "well im stuck at 25 and vampire 1025 Niklause human is 23 and vampire 1023 my dear sister Rebekka human is 20 and Vampire 1020 Kol human is 19 and is 1019 and this little witch..." and kol had to mumble 'Lirerally' which cause a wack from me and then Klause chuckling and Beks Giggling he carried on with a shake of his head "Isabella human is 19 and is 539 in vampire and as kol nicely pointed out she is also a witch so a hybrid like Niklaus so half witch and half Vampire so she didnt loss her witch side which is bad for us sometimes" i just shrug my sholders then alice asked her question "when did your fashion sense been so good?" rebbekah burst out laughing "bella are you telling me you been pretending to have Shit fashion sense" beks asked whilest kol and klaus were trying to not laugh "maybeeeeee!" i said and we all laughed "well to answer your Question Pixie bella has always had brilliant fashion sense even as a human" bek said and Alice looked dumb found and last and defently least was Eddie "Bella why are you lying about all this? because i know your not married and certainly not a Vampire" he said kol looked like he was ready to kill him "well Eddie i aint lying asked Jasper and i defienty AM A VAMPIRE!" i said extending my fangs.

A phone rang and Klaus got his phone out and answered it 

Klaus   Caller

Ahhh, Stefan how are you 

fine Klaus but your hybrids our going haywire with out you here 

well ill be there soon just collecting isabella you remember her right?

yes who couldnt forget the only girl to be able to hold down her liqure  "HEY, im still here" Bekka called "hey Stefan" i called 

Hey bells. im gonna get of i have to keep YOUR hybrids at bay

ok bye

with that he hung up "have we got the Ripper back" i asked with a smile and klause nodded, i squieled kol shuck his head "well i know whats on my list to do when i go back to mystic falls" i said "oh and what would that be" Kol asked with a smirk and i knew he wanted to annoy then Cullens "well theres two things me and beks have got another shopping spree and me and the ripper AKA stefan are going on a killing spree" and the other mikealson looked happy but the cullens looked disgusted "bella do you kill people" carlisle asked "yes" was all i replied Klause jumped in "ok bags are packed and in car so lets go i need to control some hybrids" he said "wait wait wait you made hybrids so dobleganger is dead?" i asked "no all i needed was to feed my hybrids her blood" i just nodded and i got in the car all the cullens tryed to protest especially Eddie asking me to marry him and i just walked of and got in to my car and drove of when the thers got in.

afew hours later we got to a sighn saying 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'  i was overjoyed i get to carry on with my life with the ones i loved

Ok sorry its late just got my laptop back was banned and grounded :/ sorry if you find it short but thanks for the comments and votes and please give me more suggestions on the next chapters xxx

should i make it so Kol and Bella have babies and here our some suggestions for pairings pleas put your input on them 



(cullens tay the same but they try get bella back)



Katherin/Elijah     really dont know as bella kat sis and Eli sis-in-law



Stefan/? (maybe make lexi undead)


i would also like you to tell me which Vampire Diaries or Twilight Charcter you think the hotest is mine is:

Damon as hes really Mysterious and he cares for hes family but doesnt show it like when Stefan was in the box or the ripper with Klaus evn though he was trying to steal his grirlfriend. also cause hes SUPER HOT


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