First Day

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POV Ymir

I woke up,looking that I survived war or something like that.

I went to my bathroom,I looked in the mirror.I was horrible.I looked at my phone,it was freaking Monday.I hate Mondays.I screamed.It was 7:47.It was almost 8:00. I'm late!I quickly brush my teeth.Did my hair,ran downstairs, grabbed my toast and shoved it in my mouth.

I ran quickly. My glasses it fell on the ground.I grabbed it.

-Time skip of running to school-

I'm here!I walked in,(I ate my toast) there was a lot , of students. It was nice and calm.Hm?I turned my head, wondering what was that noise.There was some kind of tall,black hair boy. Punching some other ,Dude.Who looks like a Freshman like me.It is Eren Yeager ! I must help him, but some girl with black hair and eyes , came to his rescue, behind a wimpy, blond boy running after her.It was Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Alert.

Mikasa:Stop that you , fool!
*Hits the guy*
Armin : Stop, we're going to be in trouble!Stop!
Eren: Thanks.
Mikasa gets his hand.She, Eren and Armin ran to the left corner.Leaving the tall guy jaws open.


He looked at me.I snuggle my  shoulders.I pushed my glasses and kept walking,like I didn't even care.I really need to get going...My first class.
Science.My fav! I walked and I bumped into someone,my books that I was holding fell out of my arms.


???:Let me,help you.

The guy starts picking up my books.
I was still crouching.I looked up.It was a guy with a mont of freackles like me and his hair is shiny...

Ymir: Thanks....

I stood up.Grabbing my books.I blushed. Who is this guy?

???:Nice to meet you! I'm Marco!

Ymir:*whisper* Marco?

Marco: Hello? What is your name?

Ymir:I.. I'm Ymir!

I blushed fiercely.Like I was about to explode.I ran to the Science Lab.I forgot everything that happened.I opened the door.The the teacher was explaining the rules (I guess).

Moblit:So, you don't use your phone's during lessons.

He noticed.He turned around.He went to his desk,got a brown,rincle and messed up, file.

Moblit:You must be....?

Ymir: Y-Ymir!

Moblit:Ymir,huh?Ok, introduce yourself, please.

I was nervous.Shaking.

Ymir: I'm Ymir.Im a transfer student. My parents,sent me here because they got a new job,of the Scouts,I,well.. nevermind.... NOTHING else....

Moblit:Ok,sit down next down to Historia Reiss, please the back!

I walked to "Historia".I sat down putting down my bag the side,of my desk.My books on my desk.I sighed.

Historia:Hi, I'm Historia!You must be Ymir!

She put her hand out for me the hand shake.I did.


Moblit:So,like I was saying you shouldn't use your phones during lessons.

-Time skip after class-

I sighed.I was trying to find my locker. Historia was following me.She was waving at me to get my attention.

Historia:Hey,wait! You're going to get lost if you don't have my help! You are trying to find your locker,right?

I nodded.She grabbed my wrist, running to find my locker.I smilied.

Historia:Here,it is!

She ran of.What?What just happened?I don't know!I jogged to my French class.I fell,again....While I bumped into someone, again.

???: Watch were you are going !


???:Watch were you are going!
I saw who she was a brown, freackles and c-cute....
Bertholt:You must be Ymir , i am Bertholt.
Ymir: I've to go!
She ran.

Pov Ymir

I ran quickly, so I can loose him.I really don't want to do this now!I just can't!I ...I saw him, beating Eren, why?
I don't know why!
-Time skip-

After school,

I was really tired.I wasn't sure,if I was.
Bertholt come up to me.He put his hand on the wall, next to my head.My hair swished in the air.He smirked.

Bertholt:So, what are you doing, cutie?

Still smirking.I looked at him straight in the eye.My hands were still holding my Maths books.My bum on the wall, while,my legs are still.Wondering what should I do.

Ymir:W-what d-do you w-want?

Bertholt:Well,I need you to give me your smile!

I blushed.Pushed him aside.I ran home.

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