I played with Luke's zipper on his jump suit and maneuvered into at least trying to find his -

"Woah, slow down killer." Luke laughed onto my lips before placing a soft kiss onto me.

"Why?" I asked him, nearly out of breath.

"I'm not going to fuck you just yet, sunshine."

I was taken off by his words, but I didn't really mind. I mean, he had a point. We were in a dark cell and had no protection, so having sex wouldn't exactly be the most intelligent thing to do at the moment. I was still out of breath by our kiss, which seemed to come to a complete holt right now. I didn't mind though. Luke was still standing over me as he breathed warm air down my neck.

"You can let go of my balls now, sunshine." Luke told me.

"Oh, yeah. Um, right." I pulled away slightly embarrassed.

The light in the room seemed to have disappeared completely and I could no longer see Luke. He removed his body from off of me and sat up, pulling me next to him.

"Luke?" I said, breaking the silence between us.

"Mmm?" He placed a kiss on my temple.

"Why are you here? You know, in the asylum." I inquired. I already knew why he was here from Amethyst, but I wanted to hear the story from Luke's point of view.

He shrugged. "I checked myself in."



"Because why?"

"Because I did."

"But why?"

"God dammit, Alaska!" He snapped. "Because I did, okay?"

"Okay." I piped.

Silence took over for a while, and I lost track of time in the dark room. I was a bit shaken by the fact Luke snapped at me, but it wasn't anything I wasn't use to. I figured why he was here must be a really touchy topic, so him never talking about it to me seemed inevitable.

"I was twelve years old when my parents died," he started. I felt his hands tense and I rubbed my thumb on his skin to comfort him. "They didn't just die though, they were slaughtered like a fucking pic right in front of my eyes."

He sighed and loosened up a bit. "I always walked home from school because I only lived a few blocks away. My parents never minded because they knew I got bullied whenever I was on the bus. Kids bullied me for stupid shit like my hair being to long, which made me a fag, and the fact that I was always reading books and how I loved to sing. Anyways, that's why I walked home.

"You know when you get that odd feeling inside the pit of your stomach? That feeling where you can sense something bad is about to happen? Well, I felt like something fucking horrible was coming so I rushed home. My brothers, Ben and Jack, were older than me and they took the bus. When I got home, it was wicked quiet. Like, the fucking creepy type of quiet. Not even my dog was barking, that's how quiet it was." He paused and breathed in.

I couldn't help but imagine Luke as he told his story. I pictured a cute clueless child walking up to a small cozy house scared shitless. The thought of this happening to Luke even scared me. I held onto his hand tighter.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I assured him.

He shook his head. "No, I want to." After clearing his throught, Luke continued. "When I approached my house, all of the curtains were drawn. So I went inside and saw my parents tied up to wooden chairs and a man lurking behind them holding a big ass knife. I didn't scream though. God sunshine, I should have screamed. The door was still open and maybe if I screamed somebody would hear me. But nope, I just stood there in shock watching the man approach me and in one swift moment shut the door and tie me up just like my parents.

"He was wearing this weird mask thing over his face. If he didn't wear a mask, maybe we could have caught him. The fact of that sicko still in the world gives me the creeps." He paused. "Anyways, I remember him saying 'are you ready to watch mummy and daddy die, kid?' and then I freaked out and tried to scream, but there was a bandanna covering my mouth."

Luke turned to me and even though I couldn't see him, I knew that teas were beginning to build up in his beautiful eyes. "You know how he killed my mum and dad, Alaska? He cut them up. It was a long, painful death and I had to witness all of it. At night, I have nightmares about them over and over again. It's fucking torture rewatching first their fingers, then there toes," he sniffles. "and limbs be chopped off one by one. And their screams Alaska, I can still hear their screams. What little boy should have to witness his parents being slaughtered?"

Tears began rolling down my eyes. "Luke, I-"

He cut me off. "Let me finish. After the killer was finished, he simply left. I wanted to kill him, Alaska. I would have too if I had the chance to, but he was gone. I kept wondering why he hadn't killed me too. Sometimes, I wish he had killed me. If he did, I wouldn't be suffering as much as I am today. Luckily, my neighbor found us before my brothers got home. I'm so thankful they didn't have to witness the things I did. Hell, if they did they might as well be considered mad like me."

You're not mad, I thought.

"After they died it began to eat me slowly and I couldn't stop my emotions. I became a rebel and got piercings, vandalized, stole . . . I was mad, and there was nothing anybody could do. Nobody cared anymore, they all pitied me for being the kid who watched his parents die. But I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't get the image of my parents out of my head. It was killing me, so I checked myself in here. Well, I was too young to check myself in but my aunt obliged and granted my wish of being in an asylum. She signed the papers off and let me live here. I've been here since I was sixteen."

"Luke, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have gone through that. My god, nobody deserves th-"

"Just kiss me and make all my problems go away. Because baby, you're the only thing that will ever make me sane again."

And so I did.




Have a wicked week :)))

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