"So, Maria, where are you headed?" he asks.

I sigh, "I'm not entirely sure," I then mutter under my breath, "Hopefully somewhere far away from you."

Cam chuckles. "I'm not deaf, you know."

"Then you probably understand that I want to be left alone," I reply.

"Now, I can't do that, you see. A beautiful girl like you cannot be left here alone without protection."

I roll my eyes and try to speed up, but Cam ends up right beside me again. By this point, I'm getting rather annoyed with him. Out of anger, I plant my feet firmly on the ground and start walking in the opposite direction.

Cam starts laughing and chasing me again, "Where do you think you're going?" he calls out. He grabs my arm and I whip around, I shove him up against a tree and hold my kinfe against his throat.

"I swear, if you don't leave me al--" I start, but I'm interrupted when I hear rustling in some of the bushes nearby.

"Please, let me go! I'll leave you alone! I'll--" Cam pleads.

"Quiet!" I whisper. I put my knife down and whisper to him, "You need to get out of here." He just continues to stand against the tree. "Didn't you hear me?! I said get out of here!" I say.

"You know, kid. You should listen to her, she knows what she's talking about," I turn and see a man with black eyes, he's been beaten up, at least the vessel might have been.

"Perry?" Cam calls out. He starts walking toward the demon, but I hold him back.

"That's not Perry anymore," I say, "What are you doing here?"

The demon smirks, "I would ask you the same question, Olivia. Where's the two meat heads that you follow? Where are Sam and Dean?"

"Looking for me. I can't tell you where they are because I have no idea, I don't want to know where they are. Besides, even if I did know, I wouldn't be telling you. Listen, if you don't cause any trouble and just go off and live your little demon life, I won't hurt you," I say.

"Wait, demon?" Cam asks in shock, he must think that I'm insane.

"Yep," the demon replies.

"There's no way that this is happening right now," Cam says in disbelief. He manages to escape my grasp and starts to run off with his rifle in hand. I look away for a second, then look back to see the demon has disappeared. A gunshot goes off and I look back around to see that same demon walking towards Cam.

I bolt in that direction and step in between them. I'm thrown to the side, and I land hard onto my back. I cringe in pain, fight to catch my breath again, and get back up to see Cam is still fighting with the demon. I start quoting the thing that Sam and Dean taught me to use when exorcising demons, the demon starts yelling, trying to get me to stop. It worked thankfully, I see the black smoke rise up out of the vessel and disappear; the vessel then falls to the ground and Cam stoops down to his side.

"Perry?!" he yells, trying to get him to answer. I walk to the vessel's side and test for a pulse, there's nothing. I shake my head and he exhales sharply, I can see the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Was he a friend of yours?" I ask.

"Like a brother to me. Is there anything that we can do to save him?" Cam replies.

I sigh, "From the looks of the wounds on his body, I think he died a while ago. How long have you two been out here?"

"About a day and a half. We were planning this hunting trip for weeks, I mean, we rented a cabin and everything."

The Daughter's MistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora