Chapter 16 Nightmare.

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*Skip to Friday after school*
"Hey good Afternoon people, so it
Is Friday and we are catching a flight down to Colorado, so that I can meet Rylands family, I'm so excited, especially to meet auntie Morgan because I've watched her videos and she seems really cool. Plus it's my first time flying so I'm excited for that, now let's go bug Shane while he is last minute packing" I say to my camera. I walk into Shane and Rylands room and start singing Despacito, with my own little twist.

"Despacito, with someone please order me a burrito. Before I hit you with a bag of doritos, will someone just get me a god damn burritoooo, Despacito" I sing. Shane looks at me and tilts his head.



"He does make a good point" I say

"Shut up" Shane says blankly. I shrug then walk out to go find Ryland. I find him running around the kitchen packing stuff for Uno, we are taking him to Shane's mom's while we are in Colorado. I turn my camera off and grab Rylands coffee mug and start drinking from it. It takes about 5 minutes for him to realize.

"Hanna what are you doing" Ryland asks with his hands on his hips.

"Drinking your coffee what are you doing" I ask

"You're 13 you don't need coffee" ryland says

"Ughhhhhhh" I groan and set it down. Then wander back to the living room. I flop on the couch and close my eyes. Not knowing how tired I am till I drift off to sleep.

Dream scene

I'm sitting on the couch with Shane and Ryland when there is a knock at the door. Uno starts barking and growling. Which is weird considering he never barks when someone is at the door. Ryland gets up and tiptoes to the door. He looks through the peephole and freezes. He locks the door quietly and tiptoes back to us.

"Hanna go upstairs with Uno, hide in your closet in the little cubby in the back take a knife with you once your safe call the police" Ryland whispers

"Ryland what's going on" I ask.

"There are 5 guys with guns and machetes outside our door" he says

"No, this is how my birth parents died I'm not going through it again. You guys are coming with me" I say

"We can't Hanna I'm sorry we will be fine just go" ryland whispers

"I love you guys" I say

"We love you too, now go" ryland whispers. I nod hugging Shane and Ryland. Then grab uno by the collar and drag him up stairs. We sit in the cliff or a little bit then hear yelling.

"Where is she!?!?!" Someone yells

"Give us the girl and no one gets hurt" another person yells
"If you don't give her up we are coming in" the first person says

"Have it your way" then I hear the door getting hit. Then I hear it break. Two gun shots following. I hear 3 pairs of feet running up the stairs.

"Find the girl"

"You got it boss" I grab on to uno for dear life. then take out my phone. I can't call the police or they will here me so I text Garrett instead.

Uncle Garrett there are like 5 people with guns and machetes inside my house and they shot shane and Ryland and I need you to call the police I'm hiding and they are looking for me. They killed shane and Ryland just to try and find me. Please get here soon. Don't reply to this text they will hear.

I hit send and put my phone away. I hear the door to my room open.

"I know your in here Hanna " some one says

"You were supposed to die with your parents" he says uno starts growling

"I know exactly where you are you little bitch" his footsteps get closer to the closet. Then it opens. Uno attacks the man. And I grab my knife and stab him in the chest. I run downstairs with Uno, grabbing Cheeto along the way. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Shane and Ryland on the ground with bullet holes in their heads. I choke back tears as I run outside. I reach the end of the driveway just as Uncle Garrett pulls in.

End of Dream Scene

A/N hey guys. I hope you are enjoying this story so far. So I have a fanfiction about bobby burns going as well. Where he has a 14 year old sister and I was thinking about tying that one into this one some how. What do you think. Comment below

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