Sitting down and resting on the mirror, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Hearing muffled sounds, I open them again to see Mingyu and Wonwoo sitting in front of me.

"What did the boss want to talk to you about earlier?" Well, that was straight to the point. I just shrug, closing my eyes once again.

"No reason"

"Hyung!" Mingyu whines, patting on my leg. "We know that isn't true, so why aren't you telling us?"

I wave my hand at him, trying to get him to stop talking.

"Shush now"

Mingyu lets out a huff and I hear him stand up. It wasn't long before I can hear him mumbling to Wonwoo.

"Ya Hoshi," Wonwoo's deep voice calls. Opening my eyes, I stare at him as I wait for him to continue speaking. "Whatever is going on must be serious if the boss is involved and wanting to talk to you, so make sure to tell us and keep us in the loop"

I only nod, before looking around at some of the members that were still in the room. Wonwoo got up from his place on the floor and joined Mingyu as they both left the room. Only the performance unit was left along with Seungcheol.

A knock on the door catches all of our attention and Sohee appeared in the doorway. She laughed nervously, as she held her files close against her.

"Can I talk to you for a second Soonyoung-ssi?" I nod silently, standing and following her out of the practice room and closing the door behind me. After we went down the hallway a bit, Sohee turned to me and quickly began to speak.

"You and So-Eun-ssi have a date tomorrow" I raise an eyebrow at her in question.

"Do we?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, you do! You can decide where" She begins to explain, "Her group has been told that their practice has been cancelled tomorrow and that they have a free day whereas you will skip practice"

"What do you mean cancel their practice? I skip practice?!" I gasp, she simply nods. "How can you just cancel their practice and expect me to skip my own?"

Sohee just sighs. She doesn't bother to send me a look, or to try and fight with me, she just handed me a folder-content unknown- and turned away.

"Just do this okay, we both know it's best not to disobey the boss' orders"

With that, she walked away and almost instantly the boys appeared from the practice room. Seungcheol sent me a stern look, before wrapping his arm around my neck and leading me to the elevators.

"You have some talking to do"

Getting to the car, we all enter and Seungcheol shuts the door behind us. Everyone was silent, it was the type of silence I can't bare. Tapping my foot against the floor, I let out a huff.

"Okay, what is it?!" Seungcheol chuckled to himself, looking over. He shrugged, raising an eyebrow.

"What's there to talk about?" He asks.

"Yeah, hyung whats going on?" Chan laughs, leaning over and looking over the back of my chair.

"The boss just wants some stuff to happen and I have no choice in the matter"

"Does this happen to have anything to do with a certain Kim So-Eun of the new rookie group Ghost?" Seungcheol asks, turning his attention away from me. I kept silent. "So it does"

I continued to keep silent and a small pat on my back made me turn back. Chan smiled slightly.

"Hyung you can tell us, you know we won't judge you in anyway" Letting the breath I didn't know I was holding escape my lips, I look out the window before speaking.

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