Chapter Eight: A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

Muirgheal stared back at Loki and smiled a pearly smile, "Yes, it is indeed one of the most breathtaking scenes I've ever had the privilege of laying my eyes upon. It's truly magnificent." Loki smiled brightly at what seemed like an implication. He was probably glowing like 'firecrackers' as Muirgheal had once described it.

"Are you ready to meet our parents?" Thor asked as Muirgheal tried to hide her contagious smile.

"What are they like?" Muirgheal questioned him, a frightened look shadowed her smile.

Thor gave her a reassuring smile, "Do not have worry, dear Muirgheal. You are safe."

As the trio rode through the city to the palace, Muirgheal hid herself behind Thor, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his back. Thor smiled at the shy innocence of her and again, Loki grew hot with jealousy. Every now and then, Muirgheal would take a quick peek from behind Thor to see the citizens of Asgard staring at her curiously.

As they reached the palace, Muirgheal was taken aback by its sheer size up close. I do not belong here, she thought to herself. Although she felt safe in the protection of her new companions, she did not feel welcome in this strange realm. She felt out of place amongst the shining armor and elegant dresses. She wanted to hide so no one could judge her meager human form.

Thor slid off his horse and helped Muirgheal down, "I can get off myself, you know. I have ridden a horse before."

"It never hurts to be a gentleman, Muirgheal. Something good could always come of it," Thor smiled down at her and guided her into the castle, a hand lightly placed on the small of her back. Loki followed behind slowly as Thor took her away. Muirgheal was not the only one who felt out of place now.

"And who might this young maiden be?"

Thor, Loki, and Muirgheal spun around to see a woman of regality smirking at them. She was beautiful enough to be a goddess, and she probably was. Muirgheal tried to think of who she could be, but nothing came to mind immediately. She noticed how Loki and Thor shot a glance at each other as if they were deciding on who would answer.

"Well? Are the three of you going to ignore my presence or shall I receive my belated answer?"

Loki stepped forward, "Mother, this is Muirgheal. She is from the realm of Midgard."

Uh oh. I wish I would have dressed better, Muirgheal thought looking down to her worn pants, a small orange patch covering her right knee. The lady stepped towards her and held out her hand. Muirgheal took it gingerly and decided she would at least use some of her Earthly manners, "Good morning, miss. I'm Muirgheal Radha. I apologize for arriving unannounced, but this is an unexpected visit for me as much as it is for you. I do hope I am not intruding on you and your family."

The woman grinned, "You surely are not from Asgard or any likes of it. I am Frigga and you are most welcome to our home, although I would suggest you alert the Allfather of your presence. My sons did not inform us of a visitor from so far away."

Frigga's welcoming felt sincere but the mention of the Allfather wore heavy on Muirgheal's mind, "Yes, madam."

There seemed to be some sort of understanding between the boys and their mother. It was as if she already knew the whole story with only a single glance at the three children. Mothers, well most mothers, have the perplexing ability to know so much. Muirgheal stared at her as she glided down the great hallway, the train of her gown chasing her perfect form. The trio followed suit behind her into what Muirgheal guessed was the throne room.

"Father," Thor and Loki echoed each other as they kneeled before the throne. Muirgheal stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do with herself. She kneeled the same as the two boys and stood up when they were motioned to do so.

Muirgheal gazed up at the throne's suitor, a man of age with a golden eye piece. He was adorned elegantly in armor, not battle armor, something more ceremonial. Surely, this was a king. He could be nothing less than royalty.

"Step forward and introduce yourself, child."

Muirgheal looked to Loki who nodded to her. She stepped forward and looked up the the Allfather, "Good morning, sir, uh, my king? I'm not sure how to properly address you. My name is Muirgheal Radha. Apparently, I'm from Midgard? I'm not sure how all these formalities and introductions work here."

She fiddled with her fingers nervously as the king spoke up, "I know that name... Muirgheal, are you of royalty in your realm?"

She laughed sheepishly, "No, sir. I'm pretty much a commoner where I'm from, nothing special."

The Allfather smiled ever so slightly, "Everyone leave us at once. Muirgheal, you will stay."

Muirgheal quickly turned around to her two new companions who wanted to speak up in protest but knew they must obey their father's command. Loki walked up to Muirgheal and whispered to her, "Do not worry. We will wait for you right outside the throne room's doors. He desires to know who you truly are. It's strange to have some alien person in your home and not know their intentions. Don't worry, he is completely harmless." He gave her a reassuring smile and mischievously added, "I mean unless provoked, of course."

Muirgheal threw her arms around Loki's neck and gently whispered back, "You better be right, my dear."

The Allfather watched curiously as the Midgardian girl embraced his youngest son. He saw a glimmer of something in his son's mischievous eyes, but quickly shifted his focus back to the Midgardian girl. He was not so sure that she knew who she really was, but he knew fully well what she could be capable of if it was truly her.

"Muirgheal, walk with me, young one. I must speak with you about something of great importance."

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