Chapter 15: Gabriella's Special Gift

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Gabriella had left Troy's only two hours after making love for the second time. In the morning she had immediately gone down to the chemist and purchased the morning after pill. She did not want to get pregnant!

She was still a little sore but she was glad that when they made love the second time, it hadn't hurt as much. She found herself in an old café; she was sipping hot chocolate, thinking to herself, when suddenly she felt someone tap her on her shoulder. She turned quickly and found Taylor looking down on her smiling.

"Hey Gabriella, how are you?" She asked.

"Oh fine, I'm wonderful!" Gabriella said joyfully.

"That's good, um mind if I sit?" Taylor asked, she held in her hand a cup of coffee.

"No, sit please."

Taylor sat opposite her and laughed, "So what are you doing here? I come here every morning and never see you. What's changed your mind today?"

Gabriella sighed coyly sipping her hot chocolate before setting it back down again.

"I just needed somewhere to think." She said.

"Really? About what?" Taylor asked.

Taylor noticed that Gabriella had suddenly gone red, and Taylor thought 'Have they done anything, I'd better ask'

"Did you and Troy…um well you know?" She queried and Gabriella giggled.

Taylor smiled triumphantly, "You did!" She said a little loudly.

"Shush, 'Gabriella laughed, "Yes, we did."

"And are you happy, was it what you imagined?" Taylor asked.

Gabriella thought about it for a moment, of course it had been painful but there was so much love expressed last night that she couldn't explain it, it had been perfect!

"Oh, it was amazing, more than I imagined." Gabriella exclaimed, she had gone a bright cerise and she ducked her head a little, her eyes flashing to her hot chocolate.

"I'm glad, did…did you tell him…you loved him?" Taylor queried intrigued.

"Yes, we both told each other." Gabriella said smiling.

"Wow, that's…lovely." Taylor said genuinely.

Gabriella glanced down at her watch, she'd better go home. She had a lot of homework to catch up on.

"Look Taylor, I'm so sorry, I'll talk to you soon. I have to go." Gabriella said standing.

"Okay, well I'll see you soon." Taylor said.

"Thanks for talking to me Taylor, you're a great friend." Gabriella said cheerfully.

"Anytime, 'Taylor said waving, "I'll see you around."

Taylor waited until Gabriella had gone before Chad who had been sitting not far away came and sat opposite her.

"Well?" He demanded.

"They've done it!" She said.

Chad laughed, "Troy's a player! That's my man, keeping up with the ladies."

Taylor smacked Chad and he looked at her dumbfounded, "You're a perv Chad!" She snarled.

"No I'm not! I'm just showing support."

"Hey, don't be like that. We're going to break them up aren't we?" Taylor queried.

"Yeah, we're lucky we've got the day off from school today. Anyway, tomorrow when school is back, we get the plan started. Hopefully, tomorrow there will be no more Troy and Gabriella!" Taylor said, though she looked guilty.

Troy found Gabriella lying in her garden, resting on a large blanket. Her 'Romeo And Juliet' book was sprawled in front of her. He lay beside her and kissed her cheek warmly, she giggled and turned to him as he tried to nibble at her ear.

"Troy, 'She laughed pushing him away, "My Mom's watching."

Troy looked behind him and saw Mrs Montez watching them in the window, a gentle smile playing on her face.

"Why did you leave last night?" Troy asked quietly.

"Oh…well I didn't think it would be appropriate if your mother and father came back and found us sleeping together." She commented.

"Good point." Troy laughed.

Gabriella smiled and lay back on her back; Troy leaned on top of her and whispered, "You were fantastic last night."

"Troy, quiet!"

The couple looked across at each other and Troy smiled, he stood up and held out his hand for Gabriella to take. He pulled her up and smiled, "Do you want to go for a walk or something?" He questioned.

Gabriella nodded, "Sure, let's go."

Troy led Gabriella into a large field; they walked across together, hand in hand. Troy glanced across at Gabriella; the sun was gleaming onto her face making her all the more beautiful in the light.

"I love it out here." Gabriella said breathing deeply.

"And I do." Troy said.

Gabriella looked across at him smiling dejectedly, "What?" Troy asked when he saw the anxiety in her bold brown eyes.

"I…I love you." She stammered.

Troy stopped and looked down on her; he caressed her cheek and saw her smile under his warm desirable gaze.

"I love you to Brie."

"I was always afraid to tell you I loved you Troy." Gabriella said.

"I know, but why?" He asked.

"I don't know, I never knew where your loyalties lay and I wasn't sure what I was feeling was real. I've never been in love before! I never thought I would be." She answered.

"You've got to believe me when I say I love you Gabriella. To me, you're the most beautiful girl alive." Troy proclaimed to her and Gabriella blushed and rested both her hands on his chest lovingly.

"I've got a gift for you too." Troy said reaching for his pocket.

"Oh no, Troy, don't. You've doe so much for me already and I couldn't take anything else from you." Gabriella said quickly.

"But…please just accept it. If you weren't worth it…then I wouldn't buy you gifts but I love you and I want to shower you with love." Troy said desperately and he took out of his pocket a small black box.

He opened it up and Gabriella gasped when her eyes fell on a silver heart shaped locket with the words 'I love you' in the middle. Resting beside the words was a rose and around the locket were small engraved flowers and patterns. It was gorgeous!

"But…it's so…it's just –"

"Its your so enjoy it. Here let me put it on for you." Troy whispered.

He took the locket out of its case and went to Gabriella; she lifted her hair up and allowed him to clip it around her neck. When he was finished she felt his lips graze the side of her neck once before she turned to him and smiled.

"What do you think?" She queried.

"It looks great!" Troy replied.

Troy put his arms around Gabriella and smiled feeling her rest her head on his shoulder, he was so scared he'd lose her…he was unaware of the terrible plan that was being made…and soon the person he loved the most would be the person…who breaks his heart!

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