chapter 3 the catch

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All four of them leave the tent and go back to the mess hall dolph and preston go open the doors slightly and look in side.
"Ok it's still in there, now go go go" said Dolph.
Nerris and harrison run to the side of the building and start getting the animals.
"Hey do you think it's weird that whenever we need to do team's we're always put together?" Said Harrison
"It is kinda weird." said Nerris

"Hey do ze think they are on to us?" Asked Dolph
"What do you mean?" Asked Preston
"Harrison and nerris do you think zey realize we're trying to set them up?"
"Maybe, there both pretty dense."
"oh look it's moving towards the safe." said Dolph
The ithaqua makes it's way towards the safe and gets down and trys to get it open.
"What is it doing?" said Preston
Nerris and Harrison come around the corner
"Hey we got the animals now what?" said Harrison
"Hold on." Said Dolph "We think it's trying to open the safe."
"We got to do something!" Said Preston
"Like what?" Asked Nerris
"We need to get it away from there, we need to get its attention." Said Dolph
"Well we have all these animals." Said Harrison
Nerris, Harrison, Preston, and Dolph start throwing the dead animals at the ithaqua
"Take that you mythical swine!" Said Dolph
The monster looks at them and screeches
"I think we have it's attention." said Nerris "now what?"
"Run!" Said Preston

To be continued

Camp war "Not Going To Finish"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang