Part 2: trouble

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Will's POV;
Once English class had finished we were let out for recess. I headed straight to my locker to put my books away. As I closed my locker Troy was behind the door.
"Hey Byers," he said with a smirk.
I didn't have time to deal with his shit so I just walked away to the closest safe spot I could find, Jane was at her locker so I went to her.
"Hey Jane, do you know where the others are?"
"Oh um Will hi, yeah I think they are um at the cafeteria? I'm not sure."
Jane is not a fan of how close me and Mike are, she hasn't come out and said it, but I can just feel it.

At that moment Mike crept behind Jane and picked her up surprising her. She squealed in delight. I winced when Mike kissed her fully on the lips.
"Oh um you know what guys? I just saw Dustin I'll see you uh- later,"
I hurried to get away as soon as I could heading to the bathroom. I locked the door and sighed putting my head in my hands. Why me? Soon the door squeaked open and came in Troy and his goons. I stayed as quiet as I could as they yelled something about one of them fucking a cheerleader. I thought they had left so I went out and there I saw Troy leaning on the mirror.
"Oh hey Byers, what are you doing camping out in the toilet?"
"I wasn't camping out I was just- uh using the bathroom," I stuttered.
"For fifteen minutes?" He said with an eyebrow raised.
"No um I uh- just came in,"
"You think I'm that stupid zombie boy? I saw you walk in here dickhead."
I sighed and tried to walk out. He blocked my exit and grabbed me by my collar;
"Listen up fag, don't ever try to walk out on me like that, ever or I will do shit to you or your little boyfriend." He threatened.
"I don't know what your talking about, Mike is not my boyfr-,"
"Who said I was talking about Mike?," he said, cutting me off.
Shit, I had just dug myself into a hole and I needed to get the hell out of there before I dug myself deeper.
"I mean I just supposed since yeste-,"
" you just supposed because you love him? Stop denying fairy, I'm not a dickhead,"
The half bell rung out in the little bathroom;
"Oh look at that I gotta go Troy uh- bye,"
Once again I was saved by the bell.
I ran outside to see my friends sitting there. I walked over and took a seat between Dustin and Max,
"Oh there you are Will where were you?" Dustin asked.
"I was just in the uh- bathroom," I lied.
"For half of recess...?" He questioned.
I tried to change the subject;
"So uh where's Jane and Mike?"
"Jesus do you ever stop talking about Mike? It's like you're addicted to him," Lucas joked.
"They're probably sucking face somewhere," Max stated.
Well that was a slap in the face.
Not long after the bell for class rung and we headed back inside. As I walked in I knew something was wrong. Everyone was pointing and staring at me. I knew something was wrong, very wrong.

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