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"For the last time Ten, I'm not going to join the yearbook committee," Jungwoo says, lying upside down on his bed. "And certainly, not with you."

Ten pouts, crossing his arms in a displeasing manner. "Why not?"

It doesn't take long for Jungwoo to get annoyed with his best friend's constant whining. Yeah, the little guy over in the corner, he's Ten. They're known each other since grade school and FYI, he hasn't grown an inch since the 8th grade, but he still believes he will become the tallest man alive.

Jungwoo gives him a look and gets up from his bed. "I don't like how prestigious the yearbook committee members are."

"That's not an excuse." He continues, pointing his fingers at Jungwoo. "Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you won't like designing the yearbooks!"

Jungwoo gives a fake laugh and makes a face. Scratch that, he forgot to mention his best friend over there is a little bit too simple-minded. In other words, a lovable idiot. "Ten, they do other things than designing yearbooks."

Shrugging, Ten places his arms on Jungwoo's shoulder. "Listen, I know how hard you want to get into Seoul University and this is our last year. This will look so good on your transcript."

Thinking about it, Ten was right. It would look good if he added some extracurricular activities to his list. Still, of all the things, why was he so pushy on dragging him into the yearbook committee? "Spill."

Ten sweats nervously and releases his arms. At this point, Jungwoo has seen through Ten's act and it's only a matter of seconds before he knows the truth. "W-what?"

Rolling his eyes, Jungwoo walks closer to Ten, making his heart drop below 0. He's so ready to get murdered by his best friend. "What's the real reason why you're so invested in me joining with you?" He continues squinting suspiciously. "Last time I checked, the good friend act is really not your style."

Ten puts his hands up in the air and screams. He knows there's no way out of this and even if he tries to avoid the question, there's no telling if Jungwoo would even join the committee. "Fine! You caught me."

Normally, Ten would explode right about now, but he doesn't say a word. It takes a few sighs here and there before he opens his mouth. "So, I know it sounds crazy, but I think I found the love of my life."

Jungwoo stares blankly at Ten before pushing him out the door. Ten tries to wiggle his way back in and accidentally grabs Jungwoo's hair. "H-hey you idiot! I'm trying to tell a story here. At least be a decent human being and listen!"

Smacking his lips, Jungwoo snorts. "Sorry, I don't speak crazy."

Ten proposes a negotiation, a real smart one too. He's a witty little brat and this is why Jungwoo sometimes believes he's only half of an idiot he claims to be. "I'll buy you food."

Opening the door widely and almost smacking Ten, Jungwoo crinkles his nose. "What makes you think my mind will change by that?"

With one word, instantly Jungwoo's mouth started to drool. His best friend knew his deepest and darkest weakness and it's so unfair he used it against him! Then again, desperate times call for desperate measures. "Sushi."

Jungwoo throws his arms up in the air and sits on his spinning chair. "It better be expensive sushi."

Ten whips out his wallet and shows him he's the literal definition of a broke high school student. "The most expensive sushi the local convenience store has to offer!" He mumbles, loud enough for Jungwoo to hear. "Under $3 though."

With a sigh, Jungwoo blows his bangs. "So, who is this guy your so whipped about?"

Ten's ears immediately turn a color red at the sound of thinking about his special someone. If only Jungwoo knew the feeling of true love, then they would both be celebrating, but right now he's too in love with studying to even have a love life.

He pulls out a secretly taken photo on his smartphone. "His name is Johnny and he is Vice President of the Yearbook committee a.k.a the guy who I want to choke me with those gorgeous built arms-

"Stop! Don't even finish that sentence because I'm going to gag." Jungwoo hisses, throwing a penguin stuffed animal towards Ten. "Ew! Keep your fantasies in your mind."

Ten picks up the stuffed penguin and wiggles his brows. "If you don't join the committee with me, I will commit a sin on your beloved Mr. Snugglykins."

Gasping, Jungwoo covers his mouth watching his best friend puckering his lips. "You're not going to-

This was Ten. He 100% would!

"Fine, I will join you! I don't see what help I would bring you, but don't you dare touch Mr. Snugglykins ever again!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ten tosses back the stuffed animal to Jungwoo before swinging his backpack on. "Hey, you're the one who threw him to me." He turns his back, giving a half-assed wave. "Remember, don't be late!"


The first chapter is out!  💕❤️
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