The Olive Beanie

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I decided to change too. I ran upstairs following jordan. We ran to our separate rooms and got dressed. I was just gunna show up in navy jeans and a wrinkly black shirt. I changed into a freashly clean grey tee-shirt. I slid on the swim trunks i was gunna wear. I stepped into mu slip on vans and looked at myself. I honestly felt more comfortable in this than all that black stuff. This is the real me. But no one at school needs to know that. I decided just to take a towel and stiff it in the bag jordans taking. I walk out of my room and knock on her door. "Come innnn" she sang. I walked in and she was standing in front of her closet with her hands on her hips. She held up two bathing suits. "Which one" she asked. I looked at her in disbelief. She is NOT wearing something that shows off her 13 year old mosquito bite tits to a bunch of freshmen and juniors. "UHM why cant u just wearrr,,,,,, this one!" I pulled out that one peice blue bathing suit. Then u can just wear shorts over it. "Whatever,, i mean, look at you!" She points to my shorts "black and white palm trees?? Since when are you a fashion critic" i scoffed. I heard faint yelling down stairs. We both made eye contact and i gestured for us to leave. She nodded her head in agreement and we made our way down stairs. "Sh sh there coming" we both made eye contact and hesitated to go down. We passed by them and then my mom stopped us. "Wait wait wait, come back here" she called. We stood infront of the table. "Thats more like it, at least you dont look like a f-" my mom cut george off with a nudge. "Both of you have a good time and dont come home too late."yeah yeah we know, can we just leaveeee" i can tell jordan was getting antsy and just wanted to leave. "Bye" said mom. "Make sure to refill the gas for the motorcycle" called out. I shut the door and got on the bike. I felt jordan wrap her arms around me.


We left.

I drove up the street were Brad lived. Im glad i brought the bike, cuz this whole street is packed with cars. I forgot how popular he was. I got that nervous feeling in my gut. Jordan is 2 inches taller than me, and im super scrawny and my legs are pale. People are gunna make fun of me, i park in a really narrow spot and get off. Jordan pats my back. "Hey,, calm down, ill beat anyone up if they make fun of you." I smiled back at her. We make our way to the door. As soon as we open the door we're met with the smell of smoke, beer, and sweat. And ironically "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was playing. I knew moses and tim were here cuz i heard a shriek and someone was screaming the lyrics. I felt jordan hold my hand and squeez it. I didnt even have to look at her to know shes scared. I realize what im wearing and freak out. Tim CANNOT see me like this. I run to the nearest room and drag jordan with me. I walk in to be greeted with people making out.


I cover jordans eyes and make my way to the next room. Its empty and looks like a old person's room. I think its his parent's. I pace around the room while jordan sits on the bed. "Why are you so worried??? We passed by moses and he was looking at you, why wont u hang out with him?" I stopped walking and looked at her with wide eyes "HE SAW ME!?" I was gunna scream more but then the door opened.

I whipped my head in the direction and saw moses standing there.
"Oh hey, i didnt know you were here". I instantly hunched over. "Uh yeah its whateves i guess, im just here to be with jordan, and check out the hot babes or whatever" i scoffed and messed with my hair. Girls do that when they talk about guys,, so ill do it too. "Oh wow uhm, okay,, ill be swimming with tim, if u wanna join or something" he exits the room. "What the fuck was that!?" "Hey no cussing Jordan." She mocked me and said "tO cHecK oUt tHe hOt bAbEs" "and wtf was that hair twirling??" She was laughing at me.

I explained to her about the whole tim thing and how im being emo and cool.

"Wow that sounds stupid, why dont you just talk to that gay Christian"
"Well,,,uhm,,i dont know" "well imma change and head off and find someone to hang out with" she changed and i watched her leave the room.
I shortly after left the room too. I guess some other girl she knows was there. I kinda just stood around. All they played was really pOsEr music. Like the songs eVERYONe knew, but what do u expect,,, its a party. I was sorta walking around and kept getting juice boxes.
This is the first "party" ive been to, but its pretty boring.
I walked into one of the rooms to be greeted with a bunch of juniors ive seen around school. They were all sat on the floor playing mario cart. I decided to go behind them and sit on the bed. One of them stood up. I made eye contact with him and i got a weird tickling feeling in my stomach. It was weird. He had a olive green beanie on. His green eyes looked good with the purple sky illuminating in the room. I felt a tingling warm feeling in my cheeks. What. The. Fuck. Ive heard my sister talk about some guy like this. I just

I got up and quickly walked to the bathroom in the room.
Im a wreck.

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