Monika x Natsuki

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Monika watched as Natsuki sat down on the floor to read her manga. She and Yuri had just finished up another argument over whether manga was literature or not. Monika found it cute that Natsuki was so devoted to proving that she was right. She looked around the room. Yuri was reading her own book while Sayori was writing in a notebook. Monika smiled and walked over to Natsuki.

"Hey Natsuki, what're you reading?" She asked.

"None of your business." Monika could tell Natsuki was still in a sour mood. When wasn't she?

"Mind if I look at your book?"

Natsuki didn't respond and only continued to read. Monika sighed and sat down beside her. She looked over her shoulder so she could also read the manga. Natsuki didn't seem to mind the short distance between the two and continued to read.

The two quietly read the book. It seemed to be about four girls that were in a baking club and they were trying to win a worldwide baking competition. Monika didn't really find it interesting, but that might've been because she wasn't really a fan of baking, other than Natsuki's of course. Eventually, Natsuki sighed and closed the book, turning to look at Monika, scooting away from her as she noticed how close they were.

"You think manga's literature, right?" She asked.

Monika nodded. "Of course! Manga is just as good as a book. Just because it has pictures doesn't mean it can't have a storyline."

Natsuki seemed to brighten up.

"I'm glad you agree. Hey, can you follow me?" She asked, getting up.


Natsuki walked over to the closet and opened the door, walking inside. Monika followed her. Monika had been inside the closet before, but it seemed more crowded with Natsuki in it too, despite her small size. She slipped the book back into place with the others.

"There we go. That's perfect."

She stepped back to admire her work.

"She's being a little dramatic. It's just a book." Monika thought.

She didn't say it aloud since she didn't want to ruin this moment for Natsuki. Natsuki turned around to look at her.

"Now do you know why I need you?" She asked, shutting the door.

Monika shrugged. Natsuki frowned.

"I wouldn't expect you to. A-Anyway, I feel like I'm... being stalked. Everywhere I go, I feel like I'm being watched. I'm not sure who it is, but I have an idea of who it might be."

"Who do you think it is?" Monika asked.

Natsuki didn't respond as she opened the door and looked out. Yuri was still reading her book, but Sayori was nowhere to be seen. She shut the door and turned back towards Monika. "I think it's Yuri. Who else could it be? Sayori doesn't have a reason to stalk me, and I'm pretty much invisible to everyone else. I know you wouldn't stalk me. It has to be Yuri. I can't say I haven't noticed her staring."

Monika could see that being possible. She has seen Yuri staring at Natsuki before. Concerned for her friend, she put her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Natsuki. I'll get it taken care of. Here, this should help you feel better"

Monika handed her a cookie. She didn't question where it came from and started to eat it. Monika could feel her face heating up.

"She's so cute! I wish I could give her more cookies, but unfortunately that was the only one I had."

Monika smiled and walked out of the closet.

Natsuki had always been her favorite. Sure, Sayori was really nice and Yuri...

Monika stopped walking. She almost forgot to talk to Yuri. She looked around, but couldn't see her. She heard the clubroom door open and saw Sayori and Yuri walk in. She walked over to them.

"Yuri, could I talk to you for a moment?"

"Y-Yes, of c-course."

She followed Monika over to the teachers desk.

"Alright Yuri, you're not in trouble. I just need you to answer a question." Monika said, quietly.

Yuri nodded.

"Alright. Are you by any chance stalking Natsuki. I've noticed you watching her quite often. Sometimes even following her out the door. If you are, don't worry. You're not in trouble. I just need you to answer honestly."

Yuri's face paled.

"U-Uh... w-well, you see... I-I... um. Yes, I am. I'm just c-concerned about her. I've noticed her coming to school with b-bruises. It just seemed to be getting worse, so I'm trying to keep an eye on her." Yuri said. Monika was starting to get concerned. She never noticed bruises on Natsuki.

"Alright. Thank you for telling me Yuri. You don't need to watch over her anymore. I'll take care of it" Monika said.

She turned and started walking over to Natsuki.

"Hey Monika. Did you get it taken care of?" Natsuki asked.

"Yeah. Natsuki, I need to talk to you."


Now that Monika was aware, she could see the bruises on Natsuki's arms. They were hidden pretty well, which must be why she never noticed. Monika walked back inside the closet with Natsuki shutting the door behind her.



"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Do you have any problems at school?"

Natsuki shook her head.

"Okay. Do you have any problems at home?" Monika asked.

Natsuki didn't answer. She looked down at her feet, pulling down on her sleeves. "W-Why are you asking?" She asked.

Monika stepped closer to her and carefully grabbed her arm. Natsuki didn't try to stop her as she pulled her sleeve up. She was surprised to see countless bruises littering her arm. She didn't think there were that many.

"Did your... father do this to you?" She asked.

Natsuki only nodded. Monika didn't know how to respond. She's never dealt with this kind of problem before. She did what she thought was best and wrapped her arms around the small girl.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you. I won't let him hurt you anymore. I promise. I'll find a way to stop this."

She could feel her shoulder getting wet, most likely from Natsuki crying. She held Natsuki tighter, afraid that if she let go, Natsuki would vanish.

"Everything's okay. I'm here." She whispered.

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