Chapter 2 - Abnormality

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Granny saw me panting at the door. I was still holding the tumbler, She looked at me shortly and turned her attention to the tumbler I was holding. And again the tumbler was completely frozen. It was covered in ice.

“Hela did you do that?”

No answer came out from me. I was in shock of what just happened. First the water turned to ice and now the whole tumbler was frozen. Is it me who had done it? But it’s not possible.

Granny and I went outside to a big tree near our house.

“Hela look at this tree.”

I obeyed and followed what she said.

“Now think that you want to freeze this tree, and be covered in ice.”

I did what she said and touched the tree. After touching it, an ice started to cover the whole tree, starting from where I touched the tree. From its roots to every leaf, it was frozen.

“First, I had aged faster than usual within 3 years I had reached the age of 18. Second, I had stop aging. And now this? I freeze things?I don’t understand this. What’s happening?”

“Remember those nightmares you have? It has something to do with this.”

“You mean Loki?”

She nodded her head and began to stare at the frozen tree.

“What is wrong with me? And who is Loki?”

“Nothing is wrong with you my dear, Its just you are not from this world. And Loki…you will meet him soon.”

“Not from this world?”

She didn’t answer me and walked back home.

I was alone, looking at the tree I froze. So my dreams are not just dreams. They are foretelling me of what’s going to happen and somehow my granny is aware of it and she knows what’s going on.

I went back home and everything seemed normal. I went to my room and decided to call the day off. I was in bed still thinking of these mysterious things happening. Is this a curse?

I fell asleep and after a few moments I felt someone walking in my room. At first I thought it was just granny but somehow I felt a different feeling that it may not be her. I opened my eyes and saw a man it was Loki. He was standing in front of my bed, looking right at me. I was unsure of what I am seeing, thinking that maybe it was a dream, I closed my eyes but that was when I realized it wasn’t a dream.

“We both know that you are awake.” he spoke


He grinned and walked to the side of my bed. He was wearing some kind of armor and he held a golden scepter with him.

“Hela, my daughter, I am glad to be in your presence.”

What? Did he just said Daughter? I stood up and moved away from him.

"Don't come closer." I said trembling.

“What caused you to be terrified?”

“Are you aware of my condition? of what's happening to me?"

“Yes I am. Are you afraid?”


“I don't see any reason to be afraid. Rest now my child, we'll meet again. soon.”

After that, the next thing I knew I was sitting on the corner of my room. I’m really confused. Is he really my father? But where did he come from? If he is just from a night mare how did it seemed so real?

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