Chapter Six

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(Author's Note: I am a huge Star Wars fan, obviously, but I don't know all the nitty gritty history of the different planets, plus I'm gonna end up taking some writer's freedom haha. To any Star Wars fans who are huge Star Wars history nerds, I apologize for this chapter if anything goes against the history!)

Cassian awoke with a start. Alarmed, he realized he was floating in a thick, gelatinous substance. A bacta tank! Cassian pounded on the glass, claustrophobia filling him with fear. A nurse rushed over and operated the machine to lift him out. The metal arms set him down gently on a cot and the nurse handed him a towel. 

"Captain Andor, it's good to see you awake. We weren't sure if you'd make it." Cassian scrunched his eyes shut as the memories of the crash flooded his mind. 

"I... must've passed out." He murmured.

"Well, that's one way of describing it. I'd say you were closer to a coma. Your broken ribs had done much more damage to the inside of you than the outside of you." The nurse explained. Cassian's head shot up. 

"Where's Jyn? What happened to her?" He urged. The nurse averted her eyes and cleared her throat. 

"I'll, uh, let an officer explain that." She hurried out of the room before Cassian could protest. Angered, Cassian rushed out of the room after her, unsteady on his feet and forgetting he wore no shirt nor shoes. He glimpsed Mon Mothma's fiery red hair in the distance and ran as best as he could over, shoving other soldiers out of the way. Cassian reached Mon Mothma and grabbed her arm. 

"Where is she." He spoke quietly, but his voice was hard. Mon Mothma sighed. 

"Have a seat, Andor." She gestured to a seat near the hologram table. Cassian sunk into it slowly as Mon Mothma took a seat across from him. Other officers and leaders were there, Cassian having interrupted a meeting. 

"Just... tell me she's not dead." His fists clenched and he fought to control the quiver in his voice. 

"She's not dead, as far as we know." Mon Mothma replied. 

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Cassian yelled, slamming his fist on the table. Everyone jumped. 

"There... there was a battle here, Cassian. Jyn fought in it. Most of our troops were killed, and Jyn's speeder was found demolished in the field, but there is no trace of her. We think she was kidnapped by the Empire." Mon Mothma spoke calmly. A battle... kidnapped... Cassian repeated the words in his head. 

"Have you sent anyone after her?" He asked, his voice emotionless and his face expressionless. 


"And why not?" Cassian's gaze slowly turned to Mon Mothma, locking eyes with her. Mon Mothma tilted her chin up and narrowed her eyes. 

"You won't like the answer."

"I already don't like anything you've told me."

"She's not important enough, Captain Andor. Princess Leia of Alderaan, one of the most important rebellion sympathizers and supporters we have, however, has also been captured. They already have a group going after her, and we can't risk anybody else for someone who is of no importance any longer." 

"So is that how we run this whole thing? Forgetting about our own men the instant they're not useful?" Cassian retorted, anger coursing through his veins. 

"I haven't forgotten..." A quiet, familiar voice came from the shadows. Cassian whirled around, his eyes wide. There, in the corner, a man stepped out of the darkness. An arm was missing, a metal one in its place; a metal foot replaced his right one and bandages covered his other arm, but the face was all too familiar. 

"Bodhi!" Cassian shouted. He rushed over and hugged Bodhi tight. Bodhi returned the embrace, and smiles broke out on both of the men's faces as they strolled away from the meeting room. "I-I-I don't understand, how are you alive?!"

"I oughta ask you the same question!" Bodhi grinned. "The explosion took off a couple limbs of mine, but didn't kill me. A rebel starfighter came down and took me away. The real question is how you survived! No starfighter rescued you, you guys ended up here on Crait all by yourselves.

"I... I have no idea how we survived. How we got to Crait is a whole other story we don't have time for. Why are you here instead of Yavin 4, Bodhi?" Cassian queried. Bodhi glanced at Mon Mothma.

"The planet was destroyed by the Death Star." Bodhi replied sadly. Cassian took a step back. Yavin 4 had been his home since he was six years old. 

"Just one more thing I've lost..." Cassian whispered, his head drooped. Bodhi put a hand on Cassian's shoulder. 

"You haven't lost Jyn yet." Cassian raised his head. Bodhi's eyes were full of unreadable emotion. Cassian looked over his shoulder, then at a salvaged Imperial ship being worked on. He turned to Bodhi, a twinkle in his eyes, but a sad tone to his voice. 

"This is a rebellion, isn't it? I rebel." 

{On the Death Star}

Jyn could barely walk, pain overcoming nearly all her senses. They had tried every method of torture on her that they could, but she refused to give up the location of the Rebel base. Now, troopers escorted her to her prison cell, half-dragging her, half letting her walk on her own feet. It was nothing she hadn't experienced before, but this time it felt different. Every time she had been arrested before, no one cared. She had never felt like she had lost anything; she'd be in and out soon enough. This time, though... this time she had lost something. She lost Cassian. She lost the only friends she had ever had, and happened in just a few days. Jyn's jaw clenched. She wasn't going in that prison without a fight. She stopped quickly and as the stormtroopers accidentally walked in front of her, she leapt into action. With a spin, she kicked a stormtrooper's head and he went flying. She wrapped the chains of her cuffs around the others neck and slid them under the helmet, where no armor covered the vulnerable neck. In a minute, the stormtrooper collapsed to the ground, strangled to death. With the other trooper out cold, she dragged his body to the trash chute and shoved it in. 

Jyn quickly crept to the shadows and stayed perfectly still. A squadron marched by in their clanky armor, completely unaware of the rebel who hid in their own base. Jyn sneaked from corner to corner, annoyed at the hindrance of her cuffs. She froze when she reached another row of cells. Stormtroopers were placing a woman dressed in flowy white robes into a cell. The woman looked strangely familiar. Then, a haunting, all-too-familiar, distorted voice breathed in Jyn's ear. 

"The little rebel truly thought she could escape." Jyn turned slowly, tilting her head upwards to meet the masked eyes of Darth Vader. Suddenly, her feet were dangling above the ground and her neck in the Sith Lord's grip. She struggled for breath, agonizing pain traveling from her neck down her spine. She clawed at his fingers but to no avail. With a desperate move, she kicked him in the chest. Surprised, Vader dropped her and she fell to the floor. She took off running but was unable to move. She could hear his lightsaber turn on. 

Then, burning, excruciating pain. The lightsaber sliced across her upper arm and shoulder. Jyn screamed in agony, and she collapsed, out cold. Darth Vader gestured to stormtroopers. Without any hesitation, they dragged away Jyn's unconscious body.

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