Chapter Seventeen: Blah

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Rumors, as always, spread like wildfire in Hogwarts. Within a few hours, nearly everyone knew that Harry Potter had attacked Ron Weasley, and that Ron Weasley had done something to Hermione, and that Hermione was missing. 

Things had really gone south for the Golden Trio.

Some people blamed Draco, saying he had done something, whereas other spread around the truth- that Ron was unstable for some reason and Hermione had turned to Draco for solace. 

But, whatever rumor you believed, there was no changing the fact that McGonagall announced at dinner that night. 

"Unfortunately," she began. "Certain events have taken place, and due to these events, it is with great disappointment that I announce this. Pansy Parkinson and Ronald Weasley have been disqualified from the House Unity Competition. This may greaten everyone else's odds of winning, but I assure you that it is nothing to celebrate. I also with to reiterate that this pair was disqualified for horrific reasons. There is no easy way out of this competition, so don't bother to try." She paused, staring down at all the student's faces. "That is all."

The Great Hall immediately launched into sound. Everyone's heads whipped around to the Gryffindor table, but Ron was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Hermione. 

The whispers grew louder.


That night, Harry and Ginny met with Draco at the astronomy tower.

"Any word on what happened to the traitorous slimeball?" Draco asked.

"The main rumor is that he was expelled." Ginny explained. "But if that's true, I'm sure I would've heard from Mum by now."

"He's not at school anymore." Harry confirmed. "All of his stuff is gone from the dorms too."

"Perhaps he's dying in a filthy ditch somewhere," Draco said wistfully. 

"What do we do now?" Harry questioned.

"Now," Draco repeated. "Well, the imbecilic slug is the only reason why Hermione left, to my knowledge anyway. So, I'll go get her this weekend and bring her back to the school. In the mean time, the cockroach still got off too easy for my liking-"

"Harry beat him up and there's a good chance he's been expelled from Hogwarts." Ginny piped in. "That's getting off too easy?" Draco shot her a steely look.

"Absolutely. He deserves to be missing a limb or two."

"Remind me to never get on your bad side," Harry muttered. Draco grinned.

"Potter, you've been on my bad side since day one." He insisted. "I just liked you too much to destroy you."

Harry stared at him blankly.

"Comforting." he commented. 

"Can you go bring Hermione back now?" Ginny pleaded. "I need my ship."

"Again, what does that even mean?" Harry questioned. Ginny sighed with content.

"I'll explain it to you after it's sailed." She smiled. Harry only looked more confused.

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