Chapter 38: Final Goodbye

Start from the beginning

When I arrived at the house all the lights were on. I paused at the doorstep my hand against the wooden grain of the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After a moment Kiba opened the door. His eyes bloodshot and tired. His hair stuck up wildly and his cheeks were stained with the salty reminisce of tears.

"Saya..." he whispered when he looked at me. I couldn't hold back the few tears that escaped down my cheeks.

"Kiba I ... I'm so ... Ren..." I couldn't form a sentence that expressed to him the grief and pain I was feeling. My body started to shake and to my surprise Kiba nodded and offered me a small sad smile.

"Come on in Saya-chan. I'm glad you're home safe and sound. We need to talk to you." Kiba said quietly.

I nodded and walked into the small house.

Everything was exactly the same as I'd remembered it. I'd only been here one other time and that was for Ren's birthday. It felt like a different life, a different time, and I felt like a completely different Saya then the one that last entered this house.

Ren's youngest sister was sitting on the sofa in the main room, with an all black dog the same size as Cuan-kun cuddled into her side. Her large green eyes glanced up at me before dissolving into tears. The color was exactly the same as Rens. I felt a ping of pain in my chest when I looked at her, but other then that I kept myself numb.

Kiba patted the small girls head affectionately as we walked by.

Ren was the oldest of four children and the only boy. The second oldest was going to graduate from the academy in a few months, while the second oldest was only on her second year. The youngest was just entering her first year at the academy, and by the time she graduated probably wouldn't remember Ren very well.

Akamaru suddenly appeared. I didn't know a dog could look so sad. It broke my heart seeing them all like this... not that I'd expected anything else. Ren was big on family and was close to every member of it.

Kiba stopped at a door, before sliding it open. I was greeted by a familiar smell and nearly made my knees buckle. Ren. his scent was everywhere. I closed my eyes for a minute and lost myself in it. I could almost picture him hugging me close to him. I could almost grasp him, but he was still too far.

When I opened my eyes he was completely gone again. His room untouched by his family. His bed was messy and blankets throw about, Clothes left on the floor and dresser compartments left open. I felt a sad smile tug at my lips. He was such a guy. He would have needed a girl who would like to clean if he ever wanted his house to be in one piece.

Laying on his bed was a small unmoving bundle of whit fur. Caun-kun's eyes were closed, but I could tell he wasn't dreaming.

Kiba put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed lightly. "My wife and I were talking and I think it would be best if you took Cuan-kun..."

I felt my eyes widen, "what?"

Cuan-Kun's ear pricked up at the sound on my voice. He lifted his small head and looked at me, his tail wagged slightly and a long painful whimper escaped his lips.

Kiba nodded at the small dog before looking at me again, "he's glad you're safe. Ren..." Kiba had to pause to choke back tears."Ren loved you Saya... He gave his life to keep you safe. My family and I are glad you're home alive. Ren's life wasn't waisted because he was protecting someone he cared so deeply for. Always remember that. My son gave his life to keep you safe. Don't be reckless and waist that gift."

All I could do was nodd.

"In a few days when you can walk properly we'll preform a ritual so you and Cuan-kun can communicate. Me and the rest of my family are willing to adopt you as a member of our pack. Of course you'll still live with your parents but you'll be a member of this family as well ok? Ren would have wanted it that way. Cuan-kun let me see my sons last battle threw his eyes. Ren ordered Cuan to protect you. I can't stand in the way if that...." Kiba stopped and looked at Cuan-kun.

Cuan-kun slowly got up from Rens bed and patted over towards me. He sat at my feet obediently, waiting for orders.

"Kiba... I didn't come here to take Cuan-kun... I came to say goodbye to Ren." I choked out.

Kiba nodded understandingly. "We would have found you on our own. This is just easier. I'll talk to Naruto and Yuki about the ritual and Cuan-kun, though I doubt they'll reject us. That is... if you don't reject us."

I looked at Kiba for a moment before finally letting the truth out." Kiba I loved Ren too. He wasn't just a squad member or a friend. He was so much more then that. How could I ever reject any of his wishes? I can't ever begin to repay him."

Kiba nodded. "That's good to hear kid."

I nodded before leaning down and scooping up Cuan-kun. "is that what you want? To come with me instead of staying here with your pack?"

The little dog licked my chin and wagged his tail, but pain remained in his eyes, just as I knew it was shinning in mine.

Kiba nodded approvingly before taking a deep breath. "I'll let you know when the ritual will be..."

I nodded and looked around the room, but Kiba slapped his hand against my back and shook his head. "he's not here kid..."

I took a breath and nodded before moving back towards the door. "I should get back to the hospital... I kinda broke out..."

Kiba nodded and lead me back out the way I'd come.

Cuan-Kun stayed cuddled into my arms and I paused awkwardly on Ren's front pourch.

Kiba leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Stay safe... And keep Cuan-kun safe..."

I nodded and Cuan-kun whimpered.

Kiba closed the door, leaving me alone with Cuan-kun and the night. We stayed like that for a while unsure what to do.

"I'm sorry Cuan-kun... Ren-kun... he... I didn't mean for him to... Why?" I couldn't find my voice.

Cuan-kun whimpered and licked the trail of tears from my cheek. When I looked down at him he looked like he was trying to say something but I couldn't understand, we both knew that.

I started walking again, but this time I knew where I was going. I had to find Ren. I needed to say goodbye to him.

Twigs and branches snapped under my feet while I stumbled threw the woods. Cuan-kun whimpered again when he realized where I was going.

I broke threw the line of trees and into the meadow sloppily, not caring if I made noise or looked crazed. My arms tightened slightly around the small dog, keeping him safely against my chest.

Once in the meadow I stumbled around aimlessly. The forest was silent and cold.

"Ren?" I whispered.

No answer.

"Ren?!" I called a little louder.

Still no answer.

"REN!!!!" I screamed, dropping to my knees.

I released Cuan-kun who sat a little away from me unsure of what to do. He whimpered and scooted closer slowly.

"Why?" I whispered to him. "why did he die? I could have kept us safe! All he had to do was stay before the crystal!"

Cuan-kun let out another whimper.

I looked up at the sky and screamed, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE? I LOVED YOU REN!"

I fell back onto my back and let myself cry as I stared up at the stars.

"He's gone..." I whispered. Not really to anyone but myself. "this is what being a ninja is. Loosing everyone you love."

I watched the sky for a long time. Cuan-kun curled up against my side and stayed quiet.

I blinked in surprise when a few of the stars fell from the sky, remembering Ren-kun's story.

"Don't worry Ren. I'll get revenge for you" I whispered putting my hand over my heart. Maybe then the pain in my chest would stop.

I closed my eyes and let all the emotions I felt for Ren drift away into the night sky. When I opened them again the night sky glittered brightly.


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