Chapter 2

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After getting my books i made my way to my first corse, it was based on music.

i wanted be a music producer and vocalist teacher and thought taking this class would help me.

i never wanted to be a doctor or lawyer. i never could picture myself doing it. i had a passion for music. ever since i was a child i would sing a dance.

the class wasnt that bad either. i actually liked it.

the rest of the day passed by in a breeze . college didnt seem that bad i only went 4 days of the week for about 4 hours. besides that i knew the writting papers were gona be my only hard tasks to do.

baylor had some beautiful women there too but there was this one female that caught my eye. she sat by me in my first course class. me being the shy person i am i didnt say anything too her.

she was a stud like me. i myself had a attraction to studs. i was indeed a stud4Stud.

its rare fore to find a stud who would date another stud because some studs set up a barrier to strickly fems . they would think dating another stud would break some kind of "rule".

i was against it though. to me we were all women that were set it certain labels. if you were to be a lesbian you were to like women so what was so wrong with a stud liking another stud.?

i shook off the thought maybe ill try to talk to her tomorrow .....

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