4. Everything Does Suck

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"Hey, sweetie," Emaline chimed as Kate approached her.
"Hey, you. Have I told you you're looking fine today?" Kate smirked. She still couldn't believe her luck with this girl.
"You're flattering me, Messner. Good day?" Emaline asked, grabbing a brown, paper bag from her locker, before linking arms with Kate.
"I sorted things out with Luke. Turns out I was just paranoid. He was cool," Kate informed her as they walked down the corridor towards the canteen.
"That's great, babe. Wanna sit outside? More privacy," she winked.
Kate could feel herself blushing. "Absolutely," she stuttered.
The sun was shining and there was a warmth in the air, accompanied by a gentle breeze. The pair sat themselves beneath a tree.
"I have something to ask you," Emaline began.
"Okay..." Kate responded.
"Have you told your dad?" Emaline questioned.
Kate froze. "No. I almost did on Saturday. But no," Kate sighed.
Emaline nodded. "My folks don't know. But then again I don't tell them anything," she scoffed.
"Why?" Kate asked.
"If I'm honest, they don't really care about me. They're almost always away and nearly everything I do isn't good enough. So it's just easier to stay aloof," Emaline explained.
"That sucks..." Kate couldn't imagine what that must have felt like.
"There's no hurry to tell people, right? Can't we just enjoy what we have for a while without people knowing?" Emaline suggested.
"I love that idea. Although Luke and McQuaid know," Kate told Emaline.
"I don't know. Luke brought it up to me earlier. I'm sure they won't tell, though," Kate said.
"I guess. I can't believe we're doing this," Emaline smiled.
Kate beamed back at her. "You don't even know. I've had a crush on you for like, a year," Kate confessed.
"A year? I still don't get what you saw in me," Emaline shook her head.
"Don't get me started listing amazing things about you because we'll be here all day," Kate laughed.
Emaline took Kate's hand. "We may not have all day, but we can have all night?" she whispered.
"What?" Kate gasped, taken aback.
"I'm kidding," Emaline giggled. "I am inviting you over, though. Just for dinner this time."
Emaline winked again. Why was that so damn hot?
"I'm all for it. My dad is an awful cook," Kate admitted.
"Oh, so am I. I can't promise much more than pasta and store-purchased sauce," Emaline informed her.
"I'm sure it will be perfect," Kate smiled.


McQuaid stormed out of his last period English class, too glad that the school day was over. He'd seen Emaline in the corridor just before that lesson and he ended up walking in the opposite direction, causing him to take a longer route and being late for class. He missed the old days where feelings seemed to have not much effect on him.
"Sucks, huh?" A female voice said from beside him. He was bemused for a second, wondering if he was going crazy.
He turned to see Jennifer, a girl from his English class and gazed at her uncertainly.
"What sucks?" he asked.
"Well, now that you're asking, pretty much everything. But I was specifically talking about The Merchant of Venice?" Jennifer shrugged. He observed her blonde bob haircut and braces, as she clutched the straps of her dungarees.
"Why are you talking to me, Jennifer?" he asked suspiciously.
"Why not? I figure you're cooler than you make out. I thought you were hilarious in the movie by the way," she told him.
"Thank you. Have a good evening," McQuaid concluded before heading off. He couldn't imagine anywhere better to be than the seclusion of his bedroom right then.
"McQuaid! How's my pro kisser?" He heard Emaline's voice chime towards him.
He gazed up at her. She was leaning against Kate's locker.
"I have had better days," McQuaid told her.
"Oh, what's up?" Emaline asked.
Just at that moment, Kate appeared behind her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Hey, you. Hi McQuaid," she added.
McQuaid remained silent. He felt extremely unsettled by what he was seeing and he was wishing he wasn't there at that moment.
"You sure you're okay, McQuaid? You look like you're about to be sick," Emaline commented.
"I think I might just be," he agreed, rushing away towards the toilets.
He couldn't help but admit it. He was so jealous.

Sorry for the wait but I'm fitting this around A level revision. I'm aware the second part of this chapter is a bit meh but it'll get better I promise :)

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