Call Me A Cheat

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        I got back to my annoying high school life with my annoying high school friends. I'm also here with my best friend Aliana saying that Damian told her to kill herself. What has my life come to these days, right? I asked him if it was true and he denied the shit out of it so i actually believed him. We were at lunch and my friend Cailey and my friend Madi and Katy, oh and of course Analia.. I told them what happened, " So he told Aliana that she should kill herself, or at least that is what she said. I don't believe her because i think that she likes him. so ya..." 

          Madi automatically told me that, " He lied to you, let me tell you, he did. Just trust me he did and if you ask his friends they will tell you the same. i bet you."

           I was shocked and i realized that he did lie to me. He did and i didn't even think twice about it. I was thinking about how much of an idiot i was and Analia showed me the texts between aliana and Damian and i started to cry. I was such a fool and i thought of how evil he was.

           All of the sudden all the kids at my table wher chanting and banging on the table," WE WILL, WE WILL, DUMP HIM! DUMP HIM! WE WILL, WE WILL, DUMP HIM! DUMP HIM!" And then all the people in the lunch room joined in and it was like everyone wanted me to break up with him. I should have listened.

          I was in the hallway and I saw him. I froze because I didn't want to break up with him but my friend Cailey did so much work to interrogate him, and interrogate him friends, and I didn't want to disappoint her so I walked up to him and I said, " Damian, I'm breaking up with you..." . 


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