"This is for Bonnie," Elena grumbled as she continued to tell her plans. "All of you had big part in bringing her back, so, I think you three should come. Oh! Wait. Hang on. Wait."

Holden furrowed his eyebrows as Elena then told someone. "Hey! Aaron, hey!"

"Hi," Holden heard a manly voice before looking at Damon, who was listening intently.

"Long time, no see. Hey. You're coming," Elena told him as she handed Aaron the flyer to their party.

"Who's Aaron?" Damon questioned Holden curiously as Holden didn't answer and just listened.

"Party in a dorm. No, thanks," Aaron mused dully but Elena didn't let him get away from it.

"I know what you're doing. You like to push people away, but the thing is—"

"How do you know that about me?" Aaron asked as Holden closed his eyes from the other end.

Elena stuttered a little before acting as if she was confused. "Because you told me at the costume ball. When I compelled it out of you. Okay," she realized before Damon snickered. "Forget what I said, forget that I know anything. We're starting over. You're coming to my party. There will be free beer, and it will be really good for you."

Holden listened to Elena compel the boy. "See you then," Aaron nodded as Elena laughed.

"See you tonight!" she said before picking up the conversation with Holden. She breathed a sigh of relief that she had the situation with Aaron under control.

"Well, that was close," Holden spoke as she mused back. "Maybe I should come. Who knows how many more secrets you spill?"

"Or she makes out with that Aaron dude," Damon added as Holden turned to glare at Damon for his long tongue.

On the other side, Elena found that funny. "Well, Damon, for your clarification, Holden is the only dude I want to make out with," she said causing Damon to grimace and Holden to smirk slightly. "Oh, and speaking of which, invite Stefan too."

"Speaking of making out?" Holden questioned in confusion as Elena chuckled.

"Speaking of guys," she clarified as Holden realized and felt a bit better.

"He'll never show," Damon said while hugging Izzie's shoulders and smiling at her. "His memory is back, and he remembers he hates us."

"Just try, okay? I bought bourbon, so he can just get drunk and hate us from afar," Elena commented as Holden sighed before nodding to himself.

"Well, I'll be sure to relay the message," he said before hanging up. "Let's go invite him."

The couple stood up as the three entered the library, where Stefan was sitting in front of the fireplace. "So apparently, we've been invited to a college party," Holden commented as Stefan's back was turned to them. He didn't say anything back as Izzie looked at the other two in confusion.

"Yeah, my first reaction too," Damon spoke then, looking at Stefan. "Then, Elena promised a bottomless well of top-shelf alcohol."

"Stefan?" Izzie asked when he continued ignoring them. "Are you okay?" she touched his shoulder so that brought him back from something.

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