AkiYuka (Akira x Yukari)

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Otp, ship rip or burn?: OTP! OMG THIS IS THE BEST YURI SHIP OF 2017! 

Rate: 11/10! 

Reason: They remind me of Haruka and Michiru from Sailor Moon. Both couples share almost the exact same dynamic. Ever since episode 10, I started shipping those two. When episode 25 (the very middle of the series aired), I was literally fangirling during the dance scene. It made me want them to be a canon couple. 

I even binge listened to their duet they sang together called "Maacaronage of Love". It was so beautiful and romantic. The two are like a true prince and princess who popped out of a storybook and came to life in Pretty Cure. 

Too bad that their not canon. When Akira told Yukari she loved her, I really wanted Yukari to say that she loved her back. I kinda felt like their love story wasn't really completed. Usually in most Precure series, the love stories in them don't really get or even feel like that they are well, completed. 

It would of been nice to see the two kiss and become a couple or at least have it canon that the two are dating. I was reading a wattpad story and I heard that Akira and Yukari kissed in one of the live shows. Do any of you know what show I'm talking about cuz I have no idea which one I only saw a pic of it, if you do know, please let me know in the comment section below and send me a link if you can.

A few days ago, I was reading a story on wattpad and I saw this AkiYuka pic on tumblr, it was an AkiYuka engagement pic. I heard the manga artist who created the Kira Kira Precure A La Mode manga created that picture which could lead to having hope that the two will eventually marry. Though I'm really all that sure if their canon or not.

What do you guys think?

Do you think they are or aren't canon?

Do you OTP it? Ship it? Rip it? Burn it?

On a scale on 1-10, how much do you like the ship?

Give me a reason why you like or dislike the ship.

Let me know in the comment section below your opinion.

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