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    “Long ago ,

    Humans and Monsters

    Two races ruled over the Earth,

    After a long battle,

    The humans were victorious,

    They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.” My college teacher read from the book in my history class. “Are there any questions?” He asked after closing the book and placing his glasses on his desk.

    “Yes, Mr. James.”

    “Yes, (Y/N)?”

    “Is it true that 7 humans had fallen down MT. Ebbot? If so, who were they?” I knew the answers but I wanted to see if he knew. I was the smartest student in the entire college.

    “Indeed.There were seven humans that were recorded. And that last question, I cannot answer.” He explained.

    I moved to the front of the class after standing up, “The 6 humans that fell down had special souls. A bookworm that reads between the lines, he had the soul of PERSEVERANCE. After him, a young girl who had the soul of KINDNESS. A young adult male had the souls of BRAVERY. A young girl with the soul of PATIENCE. A tween who had the soul of JUSTICE. And a young girl who had the soul of INTEGRITY.” I stood straight. As I heard the class murmur. “Legend says that those who climb the mountain never return.” As I finished my little speech, right on que the bell rang, I walked back to my seat and grabbed my stuff ready to go home. I plugged my earbuds in and played some music. As  I did so, (F/N) came up behind me and tried to tackle me. Though he/she never learns. I have really good reflexes. Better than anyone else in the world… Well maybe not EVERYONE, but close enough.

    “Damn it!” He/She said as he/she fell face first into the concrete and hissed.

    “That’s what you get for trying to sneak up on me while you KNOW I have better reflexes and dodging skills than anyone else.” I chuckled and helped him/her up.

    “One day I WILL tackle you. Just watch, (Y/N).”

    “Riiiiiiiight. Because that’s possible.”
    “Hey, (Y/N)?”


    “Can I come over today?”

    “Ah. I’m sorry but my parents are out of town.” I have to lie to him/her so he/she won’t come along and find out that my “parents” are abusive towards me.

    “And?” (F/N) asked.

    “They strictly told me ‘Don’t have ANY friends over while we’re out of town’. So you can’t come over. Sorry…”

    “Awwww… Darn. Ok then. Seeya Monday, (Y/N).” he/She waved a ‘bye’ to me as I ran home.

    I wasn’t looking forward to what’s to come with this… I don’t normally fear my “parents” but something is pushing me to have this feeling like they’re going to KILL me later. I walked inside and closed the door quietly just in case they were sleeping. Right as the door made a ‘click’ noise, a knife flew in my direction. Luckily, I was the dodge master here.

    “You’re LATE! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BEING LATE, DUMBASS?!” (D/N) yelled as I took the knife out of the door and slid it into my back pocket.

    “Sorry, sir. But Mr. James had held me a few minutes to talk to me.” I lied.

    “You better be telling the truth or it’ll lead to extra pain tonight!”

    “I am, ma’am.”

    “Good. Go to your room and come back down at 10 to make us dinner. NONE FOR YOU.”

          “Yes, ma'am.” I briskly walked to my room and change into (2/F/C) T-Shirt with my (F/C) jacket over it. Slapped on a pair of shorts and flats then began packing. I had just realized that I was being controlled by my emotions and sent (F/N) a text.

{Y-You F-Friend}

Hey, (F/N)...? -Y

F-Hey, (Y/N), what's up?

I'm going to climb Mt. Ebbot tonight. Just finished packing. -Y

F-What?! Why?!

I've been lying to you, (F/N)... -Y

F- What are you talking about?

… My “parents” abuse me, you have no idea how much pain I mask with my smiles. I haven’t cut, I don’t have depression, I’m just like a normal child. Except with parents that wanted a boy instead of a girl. They told me crap like “no one wants you”, “you’re a mistake”, “you are a disappointment in the world”. -Y

F- That’s why I never was able to come over… I understand now.

F- Farewell… (Y/N)... Stay safe.

I will, (F/N) -Y

          I quickly powered off my phone after writing down his/her phone number and stuffed it into my back pocket. (F/N) was the only friend I had. I sighed and walked out of my room silently, I closed the door and silently ran downstairs to the kitchen to snag some chocolate bars, some fruit, a water bottle, and a knife. Quickly I ran back to my room and thought: They must be sleeping or out on a shopping spree for more crap to torture me. Whatever. I'll be gone before they get back or wake up.

            I packed my stuff, dabbed a hooded cloak and ran out of the room and out of the back door so they won't notice me when they get back. I ran all the way to Mt. Ebbot and never looked back. Before I know it, I'm in the Ebbot Cave, I tripped on a stick and fell down into the hole. I'm surprised that I was still alive I sighed with my vision getting blurry, sooner than I wanted, I passed out enjoying the feeling of the flowers under me.

(A/N) Well… This is my first fanfiction that I've written and actually posted. I hope you enjoy it. Heh. I'll update every time I get the chance.

Bye, for now~!

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