Battle Against Good and Evil

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It was evening. I was in Disney's Hollywood studios by myself and making my way to Fantasmic. I wandered over to my seat and waited for the show to begin. Then just before the show was to start. Mickey Mouse appeared and asked me if I wanted to be with him fighting against evil? I naturally said yes. The first half of the show went off smoothly and then it was time for me to go on.
  It was after the evil queen from Snow White summoned the other villains to make Mickeys dream a nightmare. The villains did their parts and when Mickey entered the Cave of Wonders I was right there on the magic carpet with him! When we saw the lamp I wanted to warn him about Jafar but before I could do it. Jafar had already been released! And was turning himself into a snake and summoning more villains with him! Including Maleficent!
  Maleficent then used her powers to transform herself into a dragon and set nearly everything ablaze. But then I found the sword in the stone! I couldn't get it out so after Mickey confronted Maleficent about it being HIS dream. He came right over to the sword and helped me pull it out. He used the sword to take out the villains and I used my imagination to make the nightmare become a wonderful dream again.
  When it was all over I saw Tinker Bell and was transported to the famous steamboat that had all the characters dancing on it. I danced with them and waved to the crowd!
  Then the big finalé came up and Sorcerer Mickey lit up the sky with fireworks and laughed happily. Then that was it. The show was over. I was thanked for my help and was made an honorary sorcerers apprentice.

Then I jolted back to my senses and realized the show was about to start. I'd rushed to get a good seat and when  got one I remembered how incredible the dream was. And that is how I became Sorcerer Mickeys apprentice.

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