"I killed him," she whispered, soft tears escaping her eyes. "He was just a kid." Steve stroked her hair gently, looking back at the falling city before back at her. He rested his chin on her head and pulled her closer to him as if when he'd let go, she'd be gone forever.


Steve walked with Clara down the hallway of the new Avengers compound. Their fingers were laced together and had been for a long time. They didn't speak of the kiss, knowing it sealed the emotions they both felt. The found themselves in the living area, waiting on news from Tony and Thor.

"I want you to know that when I almost died, I could only think of one thing." Clara said blatantly. Steve's shoulders fell as he was reminded of almost loosing her. "Well there were actually a lot of things, but one of them..." she paused as she met his eyes. "One of them was that I regretted us." Steve looked at her in confusion before she shook her head. "That didn't come out right," she apologized. "I meant the lack of us...this...you and me." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. "I love you Steve, and I have for a long time and knowing that I could have died without you ever knowing..." She paused as she couldn't find the rest to say.

Steve walked up to her and stood only an inch or two away. Clara looked up at him and he looked down at her. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you too." She smiled as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Before they exited the room, Clara felt Steve fingers intertwine with hers again. A warm feeling was sent throughout her body. Natasha rushed in, the two not caring if she saw.

"They're back!" They all rushed down the hall to see Tony and Thor, exhausted from their journey back.
Tony turned his attention to Clara when he saw her enter, relief washing over him at the sight of his unharmed sister. Clara let go of Steve's hand as Tony approached them before he wrapped his sister into a tight hug.

"When Rogers said you weren't on the craft, I..." he started. "You scared me to death Clar."

Clara pulled away before smirking, "Well, you're still alive and breathing so I must not have scared you too much."

"That was some grade 'A' Avenging out there," Tony smiled. Clara didn't really believe him though. She wasn't the heroic one, Pietro was. He gave his life for a cause he had only been a part of the Avengers for less than a day.


"We're dealing with something new." Tony said as they walked through the halls.

"Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence." Steve said.

"A machine."

"So it doesn't count." She scrunched nose at them, not exactly knowing what they were talking about until she thought back to Vision picking up mjolnir.

"It's not like a person lifting the hammer," Clara said. Her mind drifted back to when she thought she saw Steve move the hammer.

"Right. Different rules for us," Steve agreed.

"Nice guy, but artificial."

"Thank you."

"If he can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision and these days, safe is in short supply." Thor said, trying to focus on the more important subject, but still smiling out of joy for the current one.

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator..." Steve started, trying to get his point across.

"It would still go up."

"Elevator's not worthy," Steve added.

"I'm going to miss these little talks of ours." Thor laughed, patting Tony's shoulder.

"Well, not if you don't leave," Tony added. He would never admit out loud that he actually did care for his friends.

"I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position..."

"Triple Yahtzee?"

"You think you can find out what's coming?"

"Besides this one," Thor said, resting his hand on Tony's shoulder. "there's nothing that can't be explained. I wish you all well."

"Stay safe Thor," Clara said as she gave him a nod goodbye. He sent them one last smile before he summoned the Bifrost and left, leaving some sort of Norse design burning in the yard.

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance." Tony broke the silence. The three of them began walking to the cobblestone driveway where Tony's car was slowly making its way towards them. "I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

"I will miss you, Tony." Steve admitted.

"Yeah? Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book and build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up."

"The simple life."

"You'll get there one day." Tony said.

"I don't know, family, stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago," Steve sighed. He looked to Clara, who was looking back at the design the Bifrost left. "But maybe later in life, when there's no more threats...a family and stability doesn't sound too bad."

"Heading back to the city Clar?" Tony asked, his sister's head turning back to face the two of them.

Clara shook her head and smiled at him, "no," she answered before turning to Steve. "I'm home."

And here marks the end of Age of Ultron! The next few chapters, just a warning, are going to be the time in between this and Civil War.

Thank you to all that read this far.
Love to all!

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