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5:00 AM 

    AUSTIN: Can't wait to see my baby sista! I went grocery shopping and I got like 7 bags of those chocolate covered acai berries that you love. The house is fully stocked with junk food and ready for your arrival Ems ☺️

    Emma smiled at the text her brother sent to her and was typing a response when she heard, "miss, we've arrived at JFK." She'd been so enthralled in her messaging that she didn't even realize she was at the airport. Getting out of the car and thanking the driver, she took her suitcase from him.

    "How much is the ride?" She asked, grabbing her wallet.

    "Miss Mahone, the ride is already paid for. That's the point of having a personal driver," he laughed at her as she continued to try to shove him a tip.

    No matter how many times Austin sent a driver, Emma would never get used to having a stranger drive her around like she was the queen or something.

    She walked through the doors and immediately had to dodge a group of about 10 boys walking by. One ran straight into her shoulder and nearly knocked her over.

    "Hey, watch where you're going." One of them called behind him. His dark brown hair was mostly covered by his hoodie. He had thick eyebrows and wore sunglasses even though he was inside. If Emma didn't know any better she'd say he looked like a criminal and in fact, the entire group looked like hoodlums, they were all decked out in hoodies and dark sunglasses.

    "Sorry about him, he doesn't know a pretty girl even when he runs straight into one. Are you okay?" One of his friends lagged behind and grabbed Emma's elbow. His accent almost sounding a bit southern.

    "It's fine. We're all a little tired I think, in fact I was just heading over to Starbucks." She smiled and nodded her head in the direction of the coffee kiosk, starting to walk away.

    "Well let me make up for my friend! I'll buy it for you." He followed her over to the Starbucks.

    "No, seriously it's fine. No harm done, really." She smiled again trying to shake the teenage boy who had yet to remove his sunglasses or hoodie.

    Okay, well what if I just want to buy you a Starbucks to be a gentleman?" He smirked and made like he was going to flip his hair but obviously realized that his hood was up and awkwardly put his hand down. Before Emma could ask his name, two of his friends came up on either side and yanked him in the direction they had been headed to first.

    "C'mon man." One said, dragging him in the opposite direction.

 5:30 AM

     "But why couldn't Bart get the jet for us? We're gonna get bombarded with paparazzi! And like. Germs. Ew." Gilinsky complained to his friends as they walked up to the massive security line.

    "Jack, when have the paparazzi ever bombarded you? And plus, maybe there'll be some hot bitches on our plane!" Matt tried lightening his friends whiney mood. The magcon boys minus a few were headed to LA to spend all of summer vacation in a flat they rented right by the beach for a much needed break.

    "Guys, I heard Austin Mahone owns a flat in the same area as ours. Wouldn't it be awesome if we saw him!"  Shawn gawked at the thought of meeting another celebrity even though he practically was one himself and had met countless others.

    "I just hope I don't have to sit next to anyone on the plane. I want a window seat." Gilinsky continued on rambling until Hayes walked up and slapped him on the side of his head.

    "You're being a diva right now, J why don't you eat a snickers or something, damn." Everyone cracked up laughing because they had all been thinking the exact same thing.

 6:15 AM

    After finally making it through the inferno that is the security at JFK, Emma had been able to board her plane and was actually one of the first ones on.

    "Okay. Taylor, Shawn, Hayes, Jack and Jack, looks like you guys are all in row 2 and then Cam and I are in 1. Oh this is gonna be uncomfy, we've got the window, 1A, and the aisle, 1C, someone else is in between us." The same distinct sweet southern accent from earlier brought Emma away from her intense game of 2048.

    "I wanted to cuddle though! Naaaaash," a tan boy nuzzled his head into the other's neck.

    "If I didn't know any better I would say that you're following us." 'Nash' smirked at Emma from the aisle once he realized who he would be sitting with for the next couple of hours.

    "I could say the exact same thing about you. I'm Emma, by the way. I didn't get to introduce myself earlier." She put her hand out and smiled brightly.

    “Nash.” He stood there just staring at the girl with big green eyes and long brown hair, “oh! And this is Cam. Sorry,” he blushed slightly. “Do you mind if I squeeze by you? I’ve got the window seat.” He scratched his head a little and Emma let him sit down.

    “I can move, if you’d like? You guys are flying together, right? I really don’t mind at all.” She began gathering her things and Nash put his hand on top of hers to stop her.

    “No! Not a problem, this way Cam can’t grope me, he gets a little handsy in his sleep sometimes, if you know what I mean.” He winked and Emma and Cam bursted out laughing.

 11:50 AM (NY time)

     “Flight 1388 from JFK to LAX has landed, the weather in Los Angeles is currently 90 degrees without a cloud in sight, I hope you all enjoyed your flight with delta airlines and don’t forget to fly with us again soon.” The flight attendant spoke through the loudspeaker, causing Nash and Emma to realize that they had essentially talked for 5 and a half hours straight with a small 45 minute break during which Emma had nuzzled her head into Nash’s shoulder and fallen asleep, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop staring at the girl he was becoming more and more convinced was an actual angel by the second.

    “Woah,” she said, echoing the exact same thing that he was thinking.

    Once it was time to exit the plane though, they were in the first row so Emma ran off with lightning speed, nearly tripping over Cam’s legs.

    “Did you at least get her number, dude? Cause it seemed like she couldn’t have gotten away from you faster.” Cameron asked to Nash as they grabbed their luggage from the overhead.

    “Oh shit! I completely spaced it and I didn’t even get her last name. She mentioned something about seeing her brother after like a year or something? Damn.” Nash cursed himself for not asking for at least some way to contact Emma.

    “Bummer, she was really hot.” He barely heard his best friend console him over his own thoughts about the girl in seat 1B.

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