Chapter Two | Silhouettes And Cigarrettes

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Chapter Two | Silhouettes and Cigarettes

The first week has surprisingly flown by. All the girls had settled in fine including Martha, although there had been a few problems.

Thankfully I didn't teach her for anything, she was being taught Biology by Mr Hadfield who taught the less capable class.

That didn't stop teachers coming up to me and notifying me on the behaviour of Martha. Not one, or two, but THREE teachers had approached me to talk about Martha. Unfortunately, none of them had anything good to say about her, either.

Mr Morris described her as 'a pain in the arse' and predicted she'd be expelled by the end of the month. Mrs Green complained she talked too much and distracted students all the time. And finally, Mr Hadfield had said, "Some girls in my class are failing as it is. With her in my class, I'm sure they're all going to fail."

Plus, it's like they blamed me for her bad behaviour! She had received at least 5 detentions in her first week, yet didn't seem to care one bit.

As for me, I had mainly stayed out of her way. I occasionally saw her around school; mainly in the hallways where she'd obviously check me out or flash me a huge smile.

Whenever it came to having a formal conversation with her too, she'd just make flirty comments. She was exhausting, annoying, and too much to handle.

It was Sunday now, most of the girls spent their weekends returning to their families if they lived close to home. The others stayed in their dormitories over the weekend. Usually I spent the weekend at my apartment too, but today I had stayed to finish some work.

I have a room on campus which I usually sleep in on nights where I find myself staying later than usual, mostly during exam season. Since my boyfriend had ended our relationship in March, I have lived alone in my apartment, and so staying here had become more common for me, it's not like I had anything to return home to.

It came to around 6PM, my mind was wondering about Martha again. It seemed like there was nothing I could do, I mean, I could try talking to her but would that really work?

A knock at my door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I spoke aloud, surprised to see one of the girls, Keira make her way into my office.

"Hi Keira, is everything okay?" I spoke softly.

Keira had been here for a while, maybe 3 or 4 years. I admired her work ethic, she always put 110%  into everything she worked for and spent most of her time studying her ass off.

She closed the door behind her, "Uh, listen. I don't wanna be a snitch or anything but I have some information about the new girl."

Her words caught my attention, "About Martha?"

She nodded, fiddling with her hands. She was clearly nervous. I stood up, "You're not being a snitch. You're doing the right thing coming to me."

Keira sighed. "I just wanted you to know because it can't continue..." She scratched the back of her head, "Martha smokes, on the roof, a few times a day."

I sighed. This was just what I needed. I gathered myself and swallowed a reply, "Um, thank you for bringing this to my attention, Keira. Take a seat." I replied, sitting back down.

Keira sat too and shrugged, "You don't seem too surprised. She's trouble, you know. I'm not sure anyone in our dorm likes her."

I didn't really know what to say to that. "How does she act around you and the other girls?"

Keira shrugged again, "Uh, she's pretty quiet to be honest. She hasn't caused any trouble in the dorm as such but she's a pain in lessons. She spoke to me once, asked me a couple of questions about the rules and stuff..."

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