comforting him when he's sad

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-you are patient with him bc you know he's not used to having someone there when he's sad
-once he finally opens up to you, you shower him with love, hugs, kisses and tell him none of it matters
-you give him so much love and are so sweet he probably has cavities now

-most likely will end up watching movies and eating tons of food (bc he needs a lot of it to survive since he is zoOm zOoM boi)
-I feel like he got upset bc the members were mad at him or he feels like he doesn't do enough

-he would probably ignore you until he got better
-he hates being weak around you so he would want his space
-that is if he ever gets sad, like I cAn't see him being sad, i mean hes a murderer lol

-he'd probably cry, and you would let him
-you two would get drunk and he'd just let all of his emotions out and cry into you
-you would cheer him up with many encouraging words and prolly guve him a lil more if you know what I mean hehe

-he was probably really stressed out bc of work, the both of you were really sad you couldn't see eachother as much too
-you made sure to call his boss and make a deal with him about a surprise vacation, and he'd decline at first
-but you were like "nah dude you aint got no choice" and made him relax while he could

Remember, if you are feeling sad or suicidal please talk to someone, I've been there before and I wish I had gotten help or had someone there.
You can talk to me, just message me! I'm always free to talk 💕
-Lid ❤️

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